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Access Keys

GjirafaTech Captain Storage gives you an opportunity to generate S3 or Swift keys and to use them directly in S3 of Swift API or SDK:

S3 Keys#

When you create S3 keys, we generate Access Key and Secret Key for you to use them directly in S3 API or SDK. Secret Keys is showed only once (when you generate keys). When you list all API keys you can not see the secret key for safety reasons. Documentation for using S3 API.

Swift Keys#

Same as for S3 you can generate Swift Keys to use them in Swift API or SDK. Secret Key is showed only on create for safety reasons. Documentation for using Swift API.

Steps to follow when Generating new API Keys#

The below section summarizes the process of generating new API Keys:

To Generate new API Keys:

  1. On the left navbar go to Security.
  2. Click the API Keys tab.

Api Key

  1. Next to the Storage Keys, Click the Generate New button. You will see the Create API Key screen.

Api Key

  1. Set the name of key, and choose the type of key that you want to generate (S3 or Swift)
  2. Cilck Generate Storage Key
  3. You can copy Secret Key only once when it is generated.

Steps to follow when Deleting a key#

The section below summarizes the process of deleting keys:

To delete a key:

  1. Click to the Delete icon
  2. Then you must confirm the deletion of the keys