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GjirafaTech Captain Storage is an object store that uses unique key-value pairs to store as many objects as you want. You store these objects in one or more buckets. An object consists of the following:


The name that you assign to an object. You use the object key to retrieve the object.


The content that you are storing. An object value can be any sequence of bytes.


A set of name-value pairs with which you can store information regarding the object. You can assign metadata, referred to as user-defined metadata, to your objects in our Storage. GjirafaTech Captain Storage also assigns system-metadata to these objects, which it uses for managing objects.

Your GjirafaTech Captain Storage resources (for example, buckets and objects) are private by default. You must explicitly grant permission for others to access these resources.

Object key naming#

You can use any UTF-8 character in an object key name. However, using certain characters in key names can cause problems with some applications and protocols. The following guidelines help you maximize compliance with DNS, web-safe characters, XML parsers, and other APIs.

Safe characters#

  • Alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
  • Special characters (/ , !, -, _, /, *)

Object Versioning#

Versioning in Storage is a means of keeping multiple variants of an object in the same bucket. You can use the Storage Versioning feature to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in your buckets. With versioning you can recover more easily from both unintended user actions and application failures. After versioning is enabled for a bucket, if Storage receives multiple write requests for the same object simultaneously, it stores all of those objects.

Versioning-enabled buckets can help you recover objects from accidental deletion or overwrite. For example, if you delete an object, Storage inserts a delete marker instead of removing the object permanently. The delete marker becomes the current object version. If you overwrite an object, it results in a new object version in the bucket. You can always restore the previous version.

Steps to follow when Uploading an Object#

The section below summarizes the process of uploading an object:

To upload an object:

  1. Click on top of the left Upload Files button
  2. You can Browse Files or Drag and drop files
  3. You can upload multiple files
  4. You can specify those files to be private or public
  5. Then you must click Upload Files button

Steps to follow when Creating a folder#

The below section summarizes the process of creating a folder:

To create a folder:

  1. Click on top of the left New Folder button
  2. Then you must write a name for that folder
  3. You click the tick button to complete the creation of folder

Steps to follow for bulk actions#

The below section summarizes the process of bulk actions:

Bulk actions:

  1. You can select multiple objects
  2. You must click on Actions button
  3. You can choose Delete button to delete selected objects or Move Objects button to move selected objects to another folder

Steps to follow when updating an object#

The section below summarizes the process of update an object:

To update an object:

  1. On the listing objects click ellipsis
  2. You can update permission (private or public)
  3. You can rename an object
  4. You can move an object to different folder
  5. You can delete an object
  6. You can download an object
  7. You can generate a link to share an object for a certain time

Steps to follow when updating object properties#

The below section summarizes the process of update object properties:

To update object properties:

  1. On the listing objects click an object
  2. On Metadata section you can update Content-type, Cache-Control, Content-Encoding, Content-Disposition or add user defined Metadata
  3. On Permissions you can update object permission to be public or private
  4. On Versions you can list all versions of an object where you can delete or download a specific version.