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Captain CDN

A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a distributed group of servers in a data center called Point of Presence, that provide fast delivery of web content. When having an app or website and users located in different regions of the world, the origin server where the app or website is hosted will serve the content to the users, but you will shortly see that the user base will decrease as a result of the long distance from your origin server. That is where the Gjirafa Tech Captain CDN comes in.

Illustration 1

GjirafaTech CDN is a self-service web platform that accelerates your static and dynamic web content, by using GjirafaTech global network to bring your web content closer to your users. As a result load time of your website or app will increase significantly, security of your website will improve, and when traffic spikes occur it will not overwhelm your origin server.

Illustration 2

When receiving a request from the end-user for a specific content or file, Captain CDN first checks the closest server to the user, and then verifies if the content is in the cache based on the cache status. Next, it will check the expiration time for the cache file, and if the file is valid, it will serve the user immediately. When a user requests content that is already on Gjirafa Tech Captain CDN cache servers, the request is routed to the closest cache server and the content is served immediately to the user. On the other hand, if the file is not yet cached, CDN will request the file from the origin server and then CDN will cache it on the Edge Servers and deliver it to the end user.

As an example let's consider an image that is served from a traditional web server, and not from Captain CDN, Users can easily click on this link and see the image on their browsers, but what they don't know is that in order for this image to be displayed in their browsers page, their request is routed from one network to another until that image is found in the origin server. Depending on the origin server location and its current load, the image can take a very long time to be sent to the requester.

What Captain CDN does is that it speeds up the distribution of your web content by caching the content on the edge locations near your users. This will solve many problems, one of which is that Captain CDN will provide fast delivery of the content to the users, and in addition it will drastically reduce the number of networks that the users request should go through, giving the benefit of performance improvement. Furthermore, you as an owner of the content will benefit from Captain CDN in terms of reliability and availability, as copies of your files are held on multiple edge servers around the world.