Image Optimizer
Image Optimizer is a fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images. The main principles of Gjirafa CDN are simplicity, speed, and security. Image Optimization feature provides you with on-the-fly image processing capabilities, through Gjirafa CDN. Features of the Image Optimizer include:
- Resize - Defines how Gjirafa CDN will resize the source image.
- Width - Defines the width of the resulting image.
- Height- Defines the height of the resulting image.
- Gravity - When Gjirafa CDN needs to cut some parts of the image, it is guided by the gravity property.
- Enlarge
- Blur
- Sharpen
- Quality
Steps to follow when Enabling Image OptimizerThe section below summarizes the process enabling optimizes:
To enable Image Optimizer:
- Sign To GjirafaTech Captain and got to Distributions.
- Select a Distribution and then go to Distribution Settings.
- On General page go to Edit and enable Image Optimizer.
Generating the URLThe URL should contain the processing options like this: image_url?processing_options e.g
Processing options should be specified as URL query parts divided by ands (&). Processing option has the following format:
Gjirfa CDN supports the following processing options:#
ResizeDefines how imgproxy will resize the source image.\ ?resize=resizing_type\ ?r=resizing_type\ Supported resizing types are:
- fit: resizes the image while keeping aspect ratio to fit given size
- fill: resizes the image while keeping aspect ratio to fill given size and cropping projecting parts
- auto: If both source and resulting dimensions have the same orientation (portrait or landscape), Gjirafa CDN will use fill. Otherwise, it will use fit.
Default fit \ For example:
WidthDefines the width of the resulting image. When set to 0, Gjirafa CDN will calculate the resulting width using the defined height and source aspect ratio. When set to 0 and rezizing type is force, Gjirafa CDN will keep the original width.
- ?width=width_number
- ?w=width_number
- width_number = integer 0 - 10000
HeightDefines the height of the resulting image. When set to 0, GJirafa CDN will calculate resulting height using the defined width and source aspect ratio. When set to 0 and rezizing type is force, GJirafa CDN will keep the original height.
- ?hieght=height_number
- ?h=height_number
- height_number = integer 0 - 10000
GravityWhen GjirafaCDN needs to cut some parts of the image, it is guided by the gravity. ?gravity=gravity ?g=gravity gravity can take one of the following values
- no: north (top edge);
- so: south (bottom edge);
- ea: east (right edge);
- we: west (left edge);
- noea: north-east (top-right corner);
- nowe: north-west (top-left corner);
- soea: south-east (bottom-right corner);
- sowe: south-west (bottom-left corner);
- ce: center. \
EnlargeWhen set to 1, t or true, Gjirafa CDN will enlarge the image if it is smaller than the given size.
- ?enlarge=enlarge
- ?el=enlarge
- enlarge = 1, t, true
BlurWhen set, Gjirafa CDN will apply the gaussian blur filter to the resulting image. sigma defines the size of a mask Gjirafa CDN will use.
- ?blur=sigma
- ?bl=sigma
SharpenWhen set, Gjirafa CDN will apply the sharpen filter to the resulting image. sigma the size of a mask Gjirafa CDN will use.
- ?sharpen=sigma
- ?sh=sigma
As an approximate guideline, use 0.5 sigma for 4 pixels/mm (display resolution), 1.0 for 12 pixels/mm and 1.5 for 16 pixels/mm (300 dpi == 12 pixels/mm).
QualityRedefines quality of the resulting image, percentage.
- ?quality=quality
- ?q=quality