Cache policies
GET Cache PoliciesGets the cache policies of the organization.
Method | GET ALL |
URL or EndPoint | /api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/cachepolicies |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | projectId, version |
Body | Not Applicable |
The description of the URL parameters is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
v{version} | Yes | string | v1 | Shows the version of API |
{projectId} | Yes | string($uuid) | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned |
The description of the parameters is as follows:
Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
projctId | Yes | string | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty project configuration is returned |
Version | Yes | string($uuid) | v1 | Shows the version of API |
Request BodyThe request does not have a request body.
ResponsesIf the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in json format by the service.
{ "success": true, "errors": [ "string" ], "messages": [ "string" ], "result": [ { "id": 0, "name": "string", "comment": "string", "distributions": 0, "lastModified": "2021-03-31T10:34:49.496Z" } ], "resultInfo": { "totalCount": 0, "pageIndex": 0, "pageSize": 0, "totalPages": 0, "hasNextPage": true, "hasPreviousPage": true }}
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
success | bool | true | If response is success will return true otherwise will return false |
errors | array [] | "string" | Indicate if there was an error |
messages | array [] | "string" | Returns the response message from back-end |
result | array [object] | Returns a cache policies object | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifiers for the current cache policies |
name | string | "string" | Returns the names of cache policies |
comment | string | "string" | Returns the comments of cache policies |
distributions | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns how many distributions use those cache policies |
lastModified | date | 2021-03-30 T 09:30:22.892Z | Returns last modified date of cache policies |
resultInfo | object | Returs information about distribution | |
totalCount | integer($int32) | 0 | Total number of objects in database |
pageIndex | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Current pageop paganed data |
pageSize | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Objects per page |
totalPages | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Total pages |
hasNextPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false |
hasPreviousPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false |
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
- HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
- HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
- HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found
POST Cache PoliciesCreates a new cache policy.
Method | GET ALL |
URL or EndPoint | /api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/cachepolicies |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | projectId, version |
Body | { id, name, comment, minimumTtl, maximumTtl, defaultTtl, headerPolicyId, headers[], cookiePolicyId, cookies [ ], queryStringPolicyId , queryStrings[]} |
The description of the URL parameters is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
v{version} | Yes | string | v1 | Shows the version of API |
{projectId} | Yes | string($uuid) | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned |
The description of the parameters is as follows:
Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
projctId | Yes | string | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty project configuration is returned |
Version | Yes | string($uuid) | v1 | Shows the version of API |
Request body{ "id": 0, "name": "string", "comment": "string", "minimumTtl": 0, "maximumTtl": 0, "defaultTtl": 0, "headerPolicyId": 0, "headers": [ "string" ], "cookiePolicyId": 0, "cookies": [ "string" ], "queryStringPolicyId": 0, "queryStrings": [ "string" ]}
The description of the parameters is as follows:
Body Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
id | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the identifier of cache policy |
name | Yes | string | "string" | Sends name of cache policy |
comment | Yes | string | "string" | Sends comment of cache policy |
minimumTtl | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the minimum time to live of the cache policy. Minimum TTL is the minimum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
maximumTtl | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the maximum time to live of the cache policy. Maximum TTL is the maximum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
defaultTtl | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the default time to live of the cache policy. Default TTL is the default amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
headerPolicyId | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the identifier of the header inside the cache policy |
headers | Yes | array [] | "string" | Sends the specified headers that you want CDN to base caching on. All the headers are forwarded to origin |
cookiePolicyId | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the identifier of the cookie policy inside the cache policy |
cookies | Yes | array [] | "string" | Sends the specified cookies that you want CDN to include in the cache policy and in origin requests |
queryStringPolicyId | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the identifier of the query string policy inside the cache policy |
queryStrings | Yes | array [] | Sends the specified query strings parameters that you want CDN to forward to the origin (All or None) and which parameters you want CDN to base caching on (Whitelist of parameters or All) |
ResponsesIf the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in json format by the service.
{ "success": true, "errors": [ "string" ], "messages": [ "string" ], "result": { "id": 0, "name": "string", "comment": "string", "minimumTtl": 0, "maximumTtl": 0, "defaultTtl": 0, "headerPolicyId": 0, "headers": [ "string" ], "headerOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ], "cookiePolicyId": 0, "cookies": [ "string" ], "cookieOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ], "queryStringPolicyId": 0, "queryStrings": [ "string" ], "queryStringOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ] }, "resultInfo": { "totalCount": 0, "pageIndex": 0, "pageSize": 0, "totalPages": 0, "hasNextPage": true, "hasPreviousPage": true }}
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
success | bool | true | If response is success will return true otherwise will return false |
errors | array [] | "string" | Indicate if there was an error |
messages | array [] | "string" | Returns the response message from back-end |
result | array [object] | Returns a cache policies object | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifiers for the current cache policies |
name | string | "string" | Returns the names of cache policies |
comment | string | "string" | Returns the comments of cache policies |
minimumTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the minimum time to live of the cache policy. Minimum TTL is the minimum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
maximumTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the maximum time to live of the cache policy. Maximum TTL is the maximum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
defaultTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the default time to live of the cache policy. Default TTL is the default amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
headerPolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None headers, depends on what you've selected |
headers | array [] | "string" | Returns an array of selected headers |
headerOptions | array [object] | Returns the listed headers that you can select | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the id of selected header option |
value | string | "string" | Return the value of selected header option |
cookiePolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None cookies, depends on what you've selected |
cookies | array [] | "string " | Returns an array of selected cookies |
cookieOptions | array [] | Returns the listed cookies that you can select | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the id of selected cookie option |
value | string | "string" | Return the value of selected cookie option |
queryStringPolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None query strings, depends on what you've selected |
queryStrings | array [] | Returns an array of selected query strings | |
queryStringOptions | array [object] | Returns the listed query strings that you can select | |
resultInfo | object | Returs information about distribution | |
totalCount | integer($int32) | 0 | Total number of objects in database |
pageIndex | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Current pageop paganed data |
pageSize | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Objects per page |
totalPages | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Total pages |
hasNextPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false |
hasPreviousPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false |
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
- HTTP Status Code: 400 Bad Request
- HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
- HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
- HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found
GET Cache PolicyGets the specified cache policy
GET | |
Method | GET |
URL or EndPoint | /api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/cachepolicies/{id} |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | projectId, version, id |
Body | Not Applicable |
The description of the URL parameters is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
{id} | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | The cache policy'ID |
v{version} | Yes | string | v1 | Shows the version of API |
{projectId} | Yes | string($uuid) | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned |
The description of the parameters is as follows:
Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
projctId | Yes | string | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty project configuration is returned |
Version | Yes | string($uuid) | v1 | Shows the version of API |
id | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | The cache policy'ID |
Request BodyThe request does not have a request body.
ResponsesIf the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in json format by the service.
{ "success": true, "errors": [ "string" ], "messages": [ "string" ], "result": { "id": 0, "name": "string", "comment": "string", "minimumTtl": 0, "maximumTtl": 0, "defaultTtl": 0, "headerPolicyId": 0, "headers": [ "string" ], "headerOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ], "cookiePolicyId": 0, "cookies": [ "string" ], "cookieOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ], "queryStringPolicyId": 0, "queryStrings": [ "string" ], "queryStringOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ] }, "resultInfo": { "totalCount": 0, "pageIndex": 0, "pageSize": 0, "totalPages": 0, "hasNextPage": true, "hasPreviousPage": true }}
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
success | bool | true | If response is success will return true otherwise will return false |
errors | array [] | "string" | Indicate if there was an error |
messages | array [] | "string" | Returns the response message from back-end |
result | array [object] | Returns a cache policies object | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifiers for the current cache policies |
name | string | "string" | Returns the names of cache policies |
comment | string | "string" | Returns the comments of cache policies |
minimumTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the minimum time to live of the cache policy. Minimum TTL is the minimum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
maximumTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the maximum time to live of the cache policy. Maximum TTL is the maximum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
defaultTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the default time to live of the cache policy. Default TTL is the default amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
headerPolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None headers, depends on what you've selected |
headers | array [] | "string" | Returns an array of selected headers |
headerOptions | array [object] | Returns the listed headers that you can select | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the id of selected header option |
value | string | "string" | Return the value of selected header option |
cookiePolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None cookies, depends on what you've selected |
cookies | array [] | "string " | Returns an array of selected cookies |
cookieOptions | array [] | Returns the listed cookies that you can select | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the id of selected cookie option |
value | string | "string" | Return the value of selected cookie option |
queryStringPolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None query strings, depends on what you've selected |
queryStrings | array [] | Returns an array of selected query strings | |
queryStringOptions | array [object] | Returns the listed query strings that you can select | |
resultInfo | object | Returs information about distribution | |
totalCount | integer($int32) | 0 | Total number of objects in database |
pageIndex | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Current pageop paganed data |
pageSize | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Objects per page |
totalPages | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Total pages |
hasNextPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false |
hasPreviousPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false |
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
- HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
- HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
- HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found
PUT Cache PoliciesUpdates the specified cache policy.
PUT | |
Method | PUT |
URL or EndPoint | /api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/cachepolicies/{id} |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | projectId, version, id |
Body | { id, name, comment, minimumTtl, maximumTtl, defaultTtl, headerPolicyId, headers[], cookiePolicyId, cookies [ ], queryStringPolicyId , queryStrings[]} |
The description of the URL parameters is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
{id} | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | The cache policy'ID |
v{version} | Yes | string | v1 | Shows the version of API |
{projectId} | Yes | string($uuid) | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned |
The description of the parameters is as follows:
Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
projctId | Yes | string | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty project configuration is returned |
Version | Yes | string($uuid) | v1 | Shows the version of API |
id | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | The cache policy'ID |
Request Body{ "id": 0, "name": "string", "comment": "string", "minimumTtl": 0, "maximumTtl": 0, "defaultTtl": 0, "headerPolicyId": 0, "headers": [ "string" ], "cookiePolicyId": 0, "cookies": [ "string" ], "queryStringPolicyId": 0, "queryStrings": [ "string" ]}
The description of the parameters is as follows:
Body Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
id | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the identifier of cache policy |
name | Yes | string | "string" | Sends name of cache policy |
comment | Yes | string | "string" | Sends comment of cache policy |
minimumTtl | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the minimum time to live of the cache policy. Minimum TTL is the minimum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
maximumTtl | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the maximum time to live of the cache policy. Maximum TTL is the maximum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
defaultTtl | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the default time to live of the cache policy. Default TTL is the default amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
headerPolicyId | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the identifier of the header inside the cache policy |
headers | Yes | array [] | "string" | Sends the specified headers that you want CDN to base caching on. All the headers are forwarded to origin |
cookiePolicyId | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the identifier of the cookie policy inside the cache policy |
cookies | Yes | array [] | "string" | Sends the specified cookies that you want CDN to include in the cache policy and in origin requests |
queryStringPolicyId | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the identifier of the query string policy inside the cache policy |
queryStrings | Yes | array [] | Sends the specified query strings parameters that you want CDN to forward to the origin (All or None) and which parameters you want CDN to base caching on (Whitelist of parameters or All) |
ResponsesIf the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in json format by the service.
{ "success": true, "errors": [ "string" ], "messages": [ "string" ], "result": { "id": 0, "name": "string", "comment": "string", "minimumTtl": 0, "maximumTtl": 0, "defaultTtl": 0, "headerPolicyId": 0, "headers": [ "string" ], "headerOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ], "cookiePolicyId": 0, "cookies": [ "string" ], "cookieOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ], "queryStringPolicyId": 0, "queryStrings": [ "string" ], "queryStringOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ] }, "resultInfo": { "totalCount": 0, "pageIndex": 0, "pageSize": 0, "totalPages": 0, "hasNextPage": true, "hasPreviousPage": true }}
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
success | bool | true | If response is success will return true otherwise will return false |
errors | array [] | "string" | Indicate if there was an error |
messages | array [] | "string" | Returns the response message from back-end |
result | array [object] | Returns a cache policies object | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifiers for the current cache policies |
name | string | "string" | Returns the names of cache policies |
comment | string | "string" | Returns the comments of cache policies |
minimumTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the minimum time to live of the cache policy. Minimum TTL is the minimum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
maximumTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the maximum time to live of the cache policy. Maximum TTL is the maximum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
defaultTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the default time to live of the cache policy. Default TTL is the default amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
headerPolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None headers, depends on what you've selected |
headers | array [] | "string" | Returns an array of selected headers |
headerOptions | array [object] | Returns the listed headers that you can select | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the id of selected header option |
value | string | "string" | Return the value of selected header option |
cookiePolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None cookies, depends on what you've selected |
cookies | array [] | "string " | Returns an array of selected cookies |
cookieOptions | array [] | Returns the listed cookies that you can select | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the id of selected cookie option |
value | string | "string" | Return the value of selected cookie option |
queryStringPolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None query strings, depends on what you've selected |
queryStrings | array [] | Returns an array of selected query strings | |
queryStringOptions | array [object] | Returns the listed query strings that you can select | |
resultInfo | object | Returs information about distribution | |
totalCount | integer($int32) | 0 | Total number of objects in database |
pageIndex | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Current pageop paganed data |
pageSize | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Objects per page |
totalPages | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Total pages |
hasNextPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false |
hasPreviousPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false |
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
- HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
- HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
- HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found
DELETE Cache PolicyDeletes the cache policy.
Method | DELETE |
URL or EndPoint | /api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/cachepolicies/{id} |
Headers | Authorization |
Parameters | distributionId, id, version, projectId |
Body | Not Applicable |
The description of the URL parameters is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
v{version} | Yes | string | v1 | Shows the version of API |
{projectId} | Yes | string | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned |
{distributionId} | Yes | string | "string" | The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned |
{id} | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | Shows the version of API |
The description of the parameters is as follows:
Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Description |
projectId | Yes | string | 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 | The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned |
version | Yes | string | v1 | Shows the version of API |
id | Yes | integer($int32) | 0 | The behavior's ID. |
ResponsesIf the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in json format by the service.
{ "success": true, "errors": [ "string" ], "messages": [ "string" ], "result": { "id": 0, "name": "string", "comment": "string", "minimumTtl": 0, "maximumTtl": 0, "defaultTtl": 0, "headerPolicyId": 0, "headers": [ "string" ], "headerOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ], "cookiePolicyId": 0, "cookies": [ "string" ], "cookieOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ], "queryStringPolicyId": 0, "queryStrings": [ "string" ], "queryStringOptions": [ { "id": 0, "value": "string" } ] }, "resultInfo": { "totalCount": 0, "pageIndex": 0, "pageSize": 0, "totalPages": 0, "hasNextPage": true, "hasPreviousPage": true }}
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
success | bool | true | If response is success will return true otherwise will return false |
errors | array [] | "string" | Indicate if there was an error |
messages | array [] | "string" | Returns the response message from back-end |
result | array [object] | Returns a cache policies object | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifiers for the current cache policies |
name | string | "string" | Returns the names of cache policies |
comment | string | "string" | Returns the comments of cache policies |
minimumTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the minimum time to live of the cache policy. Minimum TTL is the minimum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
maximumTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the maximum time to live of the cache policy. Maximum TTL is the maximum amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
defaultTtl | integer($int32) | 0 | Sends the default time to live of the cache policy. Default TTL is the default amount of time in seconds that object stays in CDN cache before CDN checks with origin to see if the object has been updated |
headerPolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None headers, depends on what you've selected |
headers | array [] | "string" | Returns an array of selected headers |
headerOptions | array [object] | Returns the listed headers that you can select | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the id of selected header option |
value | string | "string" | Return the value of selected header option |
cookiePolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None cookies, depends on what you've selected |
cookies | array [] | "string " | Returns an array of selected cookies |
cookieOptions | array [] | Returns the listed cookies that you can select | |
id | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the id of selected cookie option |
value | string | "string" | Return the value of selected cookie option |
queryStringPolicyId | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns the identifier for Whitelist or None query strings, depends on what you've selected |
queryStrings | array [] | Returns an array of selected query strings | |
queryStringOptions | array [object] | Returns the listed query strings that you can select | |
resultInfo | object | Returs information about distribution | |
totalCount | integer($int32) | 0 | Total number of objects in database |
pageIndex | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Current pageop paganed data |
pageSize | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Objects per page |
totalPages | integer($int32) | 0 | Returns Total pages |
hasNextPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false |
hasPreviousPage | bool | true | Returns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false |
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:
- HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
- HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
- HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found