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GET Distributions#

Gets all distributions.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/distributions
ParametersprojectId, version, PageIndex, PageSize
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
v{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($uuid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
projctIdYesstring3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty project configuration is returned
VersionYesstring($uuid)v1Shows the version of API
PageIndexNointeger($int32)1How many pages
PageSizeNointeger($int32)2Paganed Data

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {      "distributionId": "string",      "domainName": "string",      "comment": "string",      "origins": [        "string"      ],      "alternateDomainNames": "string",      "status": "string",      "state": "string",      "lastModifizked": "2021-03-30T09:30:22.892Z"    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will get false
errorsstring"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesstring"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns an distribution object
distributionIdstring"string"The identifier for the distribution
domainNamestring"string"Specify the domain name for your distribution - the captain Ceph storage or web server from which you want CDN to get your web content.
commentstring"string"Comment for the distribution
originsarray []"string"Returns all the origins for each distribution
alternateDomainNamesstring"string"Returns the specified alternate domain names in distribution configuration
statusstring"string"Returns two alternative options In "Progress" which informs that the distribution is being currently deployed in all CDN cache servers, "Deployed" informs that the distribution or distribution update has been completed
statestring"string"Returns "Enabled" when first the distribution is created or updated, if you want do "Disable" a distribution you can disable it and it returns the disabled state
lastModifieddate2021-03-30 T 09:30:22.892ZReturns the last modified date for the distributions
resultInfoobjectReturs information about distribution
totalCountinteger($int32)0Total number of objects in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns Current pageop paganed data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns Objects per page
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns Total pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

POST Distribution#

Creates a new distribution

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/distributions
ParametersprojectId, version
Body{ projectId,stateId, priceClassId, alternateDomainNames,sslCertificateId,sslCertificateType, supportedHttpVersions, securityPolicyId, defaultRootObject, ipv6, comment, domainName, originPath, originId, customHeaders: [{ id, originId, name, value}], pathPattern,viewerProtocolPolicy, allowedHttpMethods,cachedHttpMethods, useCacheAndOriginRequestPolicy, cachePolicyId, originRequestPolicyId }

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
v{version}Yesstringv1The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned
{projectId}Yesstring($uuid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the version of API

Request body#

{  "projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "stateId": 0,  "priceClassId": 0,  "alternateDomainNames": "string",  "sslCertificateId": 0,  "sslCertificateType": 0,  "supportedHttpVersions": 0,  "securityPolicyId": 0,  "defaultRootObject": "string",  "ipv6": true,  "comment": "string",  "domainName": "string",  "originPath": "string",  "originId": "string",  "customHeaders": [    {      "id": 0,      "originId": 0,      "name": "string",      "value": "string"    }  ],  "pathPattern": "string",  "viewerProtocolPolicy": 0,  "allowedHttpMethods": 0,  "cachedHttpMethods": 0,  "useCacheAndOriginRequestPolicy": true,  "cachePolicyId": 0,  "originRequestPolicyId": 0}

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
projectIdYesstring3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Sends the identifier of the project
stateIdYesinteger($int32)0Sends the identifier of the state of the distribution
priceClassIdYesinteger($int32)0Sends the price class associated with the distribution settings
alternateDomainNamesYesstring"string"Sends the specified alternate domain names in distribution configuration
sslCertificateIdYesinteger($int32)0Sends the identifier of ssl certificate which you have selected in distribution configuration settinga
sslCertificateTypeYesinteger($int32)0Sends the selected ssl certificate which can either be default GjirafaTechCDN ssl certificate or constum ssl certificate
supportedHttpVersionsYesinteger($int32)0Sends the http versions that you have selected in distribution settings
securityPolicyIdYesinteger($int32)2Sends the identifier of policy
defaultRootObjectYesstring"string"Sends the root object that you have specified in the distribution configuration
ipv6YesbooltrueSends true if ipv6 is enabled and turns false if ipv6 is disabled
commentYesstring"string"Sends the comment of distribution configuration
alternateDomainNamesYesstring"string"Sends the specified alternate domain names in distribution configuration
domainNameYesstring"string"Sends the specified domain name for distribution - the captain Ceph storage or web server from which you want CDN to get your web content.
originPathstring"string"Sends the origin path (a directory in your origin domain name) that you have specified in your origin settings when creating a distribution
originIdstring"string"Sends the identifierfetifier for the origin that you specified in the origin settings when creating a distribution
customHeadersarray []Sends all the custom header's key and value that you have specified in the origin settings when creating a distribution
idinteger($int32)0Sends the id of the distribution entity
originIdinteger($int32)0Sends the origin id that you have specified in the settings when creating a distribution
namestring"string"Sends the name of origin custom header in the distribution configuration
valuestring"string"Sends the value of origin custom header in the distribution configuration
pathPatternYesstring($uuid)"string"Sends path pattern that you've specified in the configuration
viewerProtocolPolicyinteger($int32)0Sends viewer protocol policy selection in behavior configuration, e.g returns HTTP and HTTPS, redirect HTTP to HTTPS or HTTPS only
allowedHttpMethodsinteger($int32)0Sends selected http methods in behavior configuration
cachedHttpMethodsinteger($int32)0Sends the http methods the user wants to cache for the cache behavior
useCacheAndOriginRequestPolicyYesbooltrueSends true if it is compressed automatically, otherwise turns false
cachePolicyIdinteger($int32)0Sends the identifier for the selected cache policy id
originRequestPolicyIdinteger($int32)0Sends the identifier for the selected origin request policy id


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {    "distributionId": "string",    "deliveryMethod": "string",    "distributionStatus": 0,    "distributionStatusOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "priceClass": 0,    "priceClassOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "state": "string",    "sslCertificate": "string",    "domainName": "string",    "comment": "string",    "defaultRootObject": "string",    "securityPolicy": 0,    "securityPolicyOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "alternateDomainNames": "string",    "supportedHttpVersions": 0,    "supportedHttpVersionOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "ipv6": true,    "lastModified": "2021-03-30T13:18:00.071Z"  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will get false
errorsstring"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesstring"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns an distribution object
distributionIdstring"string"Returns the distribution id that is automatically generated
deliveryMethodstring"string"Returns the delivery method of the distribution (Web or RTMP)
distributionStatusinteger($int32)0Returns the distribution status that is In Progress or Deployed
distributionStatusOptionsarray []Returns an object of distribution status option with the key value pairs
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
priceClassinteger($int32)0Returns the selected price class (TBD)
priceClassOptionsstring"string"Returns the selected price class (TBD)
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
statestring"string"Returns the state of distribution (Enabled or Disabled)
sslCertificatestring"string"Returns the selected ssl Certificate
domainNamestring"string"Returns the specified domain name for distribution - the captain Ceph storage or web server from which you want CDN to get your web content.
commentstring"string"Returns the comment of the distribution
defaultRootObjectstring"string"Returns the root object that you have specified in the distribution configuration
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
ipv6booltrueReturns true if ipv6 is enabled and turns false if ipv6 is disabled
lastModifieddate2021-03-30T13:18:00.071ZReturns last modified date of distribution
resultInfoobjectReturs information about distribution
totalCountinteger($int32)0Total number of objects in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns Current pageop paganed data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns Objects per page
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns Total pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

GET Distribution#

Gets the distribution by distributionId

MethodGET By Id
URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/distributions/{distributionId}
ParametersdistributionId, version, projectId
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
v{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned
{distributionId}Yesstring"string"The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
projectIdYesstring3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned
versionYesstringv1Shows the version of API
distributionIdYesstring"string"The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {    "distributionId": "string",    "deliveryMethod": "string",    "distributionStatus": 0,    "distributionStatusOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "priceClass": 0,    "priceClassOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "state": "string",    "sslCertificate": "string",    "domainName": "string",    "comment": "string",    "defaultRootObject": "string",    "securityPolicy": 0,    "securityPolicyOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "alternateDomainNames": "string",    "supportedHttpVersions": 0,    "supportedHttpVersionOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "ipv6": true,    "lastModified": "2021-03-30T14:39:02.765Z"  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will get false
errorsstring"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesstring"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns an distribution object
distributionIdstring"string"Returns the distribution id that is automatically generated
deliveryMethodstring"string"Returns the delivery method of the distribution (Web or RTMP)
distributionStatusinteger($int32)0Returns the distribution status that is In Progress or Deployed
distributionStatusOptionsarray []Returns an object of distribution status option with the key value pairs
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
priceClassinteger($int32)0Returns the selected price class (TBD)
priceClassOptionsstring"string"Returns the selected price class (TBD)
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
statestring"string"Returns the state of distribution (Enabled or Disabled)
sslCertificatestring"string"Returns the selected ssl Certificate
domainNamestring"string"Returns the specified domain name for distribution - the captain Ceph storage or web server from which you want CDN to get your web content.
commentstring"string"Returns the comment of the distribution
defaultRootObjectstring"string"Returns the root object that you have specified in the distribution configuration
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
ipv6booltrueReturns true if ipv6 is enabled and turns false if ipv6 is disabled
lastModifieddate2021-03-30T13:18:00.071ZReturns last modified date of distribution
resultInfoobjectReturs information about distribution
totalCountinteger($int32)0Total number of objects in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns Current pageop paganed data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns Objects per page
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns Total pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

PUT Distributions#

Updates the distribution by distributionId.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/distributions/{distributionId}
ParametersdistributionId, version, projectId
Body{stateId, priceClassId, alternateDomainNames, sslCertificateId, sslCertificateType, supportedHttpVersions, securityPolicyId, defaultRootObject, ipv6, comment}

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
v{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($uuid)The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned
{distributionId}Yesstring"string"The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
projectIdYesstringThe project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned
versionYesstring($uuid)v1Shows the version of API
distributionIdYesstring"string"The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned

Request Body#

{  "stateId": 0,  "priceClassId": 0,  "alternateDomainNames": "string",  "sslCertificateId": 0,  "sslCertificateType": 0,  "supportedHttpVersions": 0,  "securityPolicyId": 0,  "defaultRootObject": "string",  "ipv6": true,  "comment": "string"}
Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
stateIdYesinteger($int32)0Sends the identifier of the state of the distribution
priceClassIdYesinteger($int32)0Sends the price class associated with the distribution settings
alternateDomainNamesYesstring"string"Sends the specified alternate domain names in distribution configuration
sslCertificateIdYesinteger($int32)0Sends the identifier of ssl certificate which you have selected in distribution configuration settinga
sslCertificateTypeYesinteger($int32)0Sends the selected ssl certificate which can either be default GjirafaTechCDN ssl certificate or constum ssl certificate
supportedHttpVersionsYesinteger($int32)0Sends the http versions that you have selected in distribution settings
securityPolicyIdYesinteger($int32)2Sends the identifier of policy
defaultRootObjectYesstring"string"Sends the root object that you have specified in the distribution configuration
ipv6YesbooltrueSends true if ipv6 is enabled and turns false if ipv6 is disabled
commentYesstring"string"Sends the comment of distribution configuration


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {    "distributionId": "string",    "deliveryMethod": "string",    "distributionStatus": 0,    "distributionStatusOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "priceClass": 0,    "priceClassOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "state": "string",    "sslCertificate": "string",    "domainName": "string",    "comment": "string",    "defaultRootObject": "string",    "securityPolicy": 0,    "securityPolicyOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "alternateDomainNames": "string",    "supportedHttpVersions": 0,    "supportedHttpVersionOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "ipv6": true,    "lastModified": "2021-03-30T15:19:43.170Z"  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will get false
errorsstring"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesstring"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns an distribution object
distributionIdstring"string"Returns the distribution id that is automatically generated
deliveryMethodstring"string"Returns the delivery method of the distribution (Web or RTMP)
distributionStatusinteger($int32)0Returns the distribution status that is In Progress or Deployed
distributionStatusOptionsarray []Returns an object of distribution status option with the key value pairs
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
priceClassinteger($int32)0Returns the selected price class (TBD)
priceClassOptionsstring"string"Returns the selected price class (TBD)
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
statestring"string"Returns the state of distribution (Enabled or Disabled)
sslCertificatestring"string"Returns the selected ssl Certificate
domainNamestring"string"Returns the specified domain name for distribution - the captain Ceph storage or web server from which you want CDN to get your web content.
commentstring"string"Returns the comment of the distribution
defaultRootObjectstring"string"Returns the root object that you have specified in the distribution configuration
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
ipv6booltrueReturns true if ipv6 is enabled and turns false if ipv6 is disabled
lastModifieddate2021-03-30T13:18:00.071ZReturns last modified date of distribution
resultInfoobjectReturs information about distribution
totalCountinteger($int32)0Total number of objects in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns Current pageop paganed data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns Objects per page
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns Total pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 400 Bad Request
  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

DELETE Distribution#

Deletes the distribution associated with this distributionId

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/distributions/{distributionId}
ParametersdistributionId, version, projectId
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
v{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned
{distributionId}Yesstring"string"The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
projectIdYesstring3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6The project's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned
versionYesstringv1Shows the version of API
distributionIdYesstring"string"The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {    "distributionId": "string",    "deliveryMethod": "string",    "distributionStatus": 0,    "distributionStatusOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "priceClass": 0,    "priceClassOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "state": "string",    "sslCertificate": "string",    "domainName": "string",    "comment": "string",    "defaultRootObject": "string",    "securityPolicy": 0,    "securityPolicyOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "alternateDomainNames": "string",    "supportedHttpVersions": 0,    "supportedHttpVersionOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string"      }    ],    "ipv6": true,    "lastModified": "2021-03-30T15:47:57.650Z"  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will get false
errorsstring"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesstring"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns an distribution object
distributionIdstring"string"Returns the distribution id that is automatically generated
deliveryMethodstring"string"Returns the delivery method of the distribution (Web or RTMP)
distributionStatusinteger($int32)0Returns the distribution status that is In Progress or Deployed
distributionStatusOptionsarray []Returns an object of distribution status option with the key value pairs
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
priceClassinteger($int32)0Returns the selected price class (TBD)
priceClassOptionsstring"string"Returns the selected price class (TBD)
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
statestring"string"Returns the state of distribution (Enabled or Disabled)
sslCertificatestring"string"Returns the selected ssl Certificate
domainNamestring"string"Returns the specified domain name for distribution - the captain Ceph storage or web server from which you want CDN to get your web content.
commentstring"string"Returns the comment of the distribution
defaultRootObjectstring"string"Returns the root object that you have specified in the distribution configuration
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of distribution entity
valuestring"string"Returns the value of distribution status options
ipv6booltrueReturns true if ipv6 is enabled and turns false if ipv6 is disabled
lastModifieddate2021-03-30T13:18:00.071ZReturns last modified date of distribution
resultInfoobjectReturs information about distribution
totalCountinteger($int32)0Total number of objects in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns Current pageop paganed data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns Objects per page
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns Total pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a next page, otherwise returns false
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns true if it has a previous page, otherwise returns false


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found