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GET Jobs#

Get all numbers of jobs by status.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/analytics/jobs
Parametersversion, projectId, filter
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
ProjectIdYesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
FilterNointeger($int32)0It specifies the time interval for the filter to be applied on; lastHour=0, today=1, lastDay=2, lastWeek=3, lastMonth=4

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {        "submitted": 0,        "complete": 0,        "processing": 0,        "error": 0,        "canceled": 0,        "invalidRequest": 0,        "partialyCompleted": 0    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the job analytics result
submittedinteger($int32)0Returns the number of jobs which have the status submitted
completeinteger($int32)0Returns the number of jobs which have the status complete
processinginteger($int32)0Returns the number of jobs which have the status processing
errorinteger($int32)0Returns the number of jobs which have the status error
canceledinteger($int32)0Returns the number of jobs which have the status canceled
invalidRequestinteger($int32)0Returns the number of jobs which have the status invalidRequest
partialyCompletedinteger($int32)0Returns the number of jobs which have the status partialyCompleted
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden

GET Outputs#

Get all numbers of qualities by status.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/analytics/outputs
Parametersversion, projectId, filter
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
ProjectIdYesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
FilterNointeger($int32)0It specifies the time interval for the filter to be applied on; lastHour=0, today=1, lastDay=2, lastWeek=3, lastMonth=4

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {        "pending": 0,        "complete": 0,        "processing": 0,        "error": 0,        "canceled": 0,        "invalidRequest": 0,        "notApplicable": 0    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the output analytics result
pendinginteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities which have the status pending
completeinteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities which have the status complete
processinginteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities which have the status processing
errorinteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities which have the status error
canceledinteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities which have the status canceled
invalidRequestinteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities which have the status invalidRequest
notApplicableinteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities which have the status notApplicable
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden

GET Average Times#

Get average time encoding in minutes for jobs and encoding output jobs.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/analytics/average-times
Parametersversion, projectId, filter
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
ProjectIdYesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
FilterNointeger($int32)0It specifies the time interval for the filter to be applied on; lastHour=0, today=1, lastDay=2, lastWeek=3, lastMonth=4

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {        "averageEncodingJobTime": 0,        "averageEncodingOutputTime": 0    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the average time analytics result
averageEncodingJobTimeinteger($int32)0The average time encoding in minutes for jobs
averageEncodingOutputTimeinteger($int32)0The average time encoding in minutes for encoding output jobs
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden

GET Projects#

Get stats of project.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/analytics/projects
Parametersversion, projectId, filter
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
ProjectIdYesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
FilterNointeger($int32)0It specifies the time interval for the filter to be applied on; lastHour=0, today=1, lastDay=2, lastWeek=3, lastMonth=4

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {        "jobs": 0,        "jobTemplates": 0,        "outputGroups": 0,        "presets": 0,        "fileGroups": 0,        "hls": 0,        "dash": 0,        "totalFileSizeEncoding": 0    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the project analytics result
jobsinteger($int32)0Returns the number of jobs for that particular project
jobTemplatesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of template jobs for that particular project
outputGroupsinteger($int32)0Returns the number of output groups for that particular project
presetsinteger($int32)0Returns the number of presets for that particular project
fileGroupsinteger($int32)0Returns the number of file groups for that particular project
hlsinteger($int32)0Returns the number of hls groups for that particular project
dashinteger($int32)0Returns the number of dash groups for that particular project
totalFileSizeEncodinginteger($int32)0Returns the total file size encoding for that particular project
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden

GET Qualities#

Get encoding qualities.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/analytics/qualities
Parametersversion, projectId, filter
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
ProjectIdYesstring($Guid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
FilterNointeger($int32)0It specifies the time interval for the filter to be applied on; lastHour=0, today=1, lastDay=2, lastWeek=3, lastMonth=4

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {      "quality": "string",      "averageTimeEncodingQuality": 0,      "numberOfQualities": 0    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the qualities analytics result
qualitystring"string"Returns the name of the quality
averageTimeEncodingQualityinteger($int32)0Returns the average time for encoding in a certain quality
numberOfQualitiesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden

GET Tags#

Get stats for tags.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/analytics/tags
Parametersversion, projectId, filter, tagKey, tagValue
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
ProjectIdYesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
FilterNointeger($int32)0It specifies the time interval for the filter to be applied on; lastHour=0, today=1, lastDay=2, lastWeek=3, lastMonth=4
TagKeyNostring"string"It specifies the key tag for the filter to be based on
TagValueNostring"string"It specifies the value tag for the filter to be based on

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {      "quality": "string",      "averageTimeEncodingQuality": 0,      "numberOfQualities": 0    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the tags analytics result
qualitystring"string"Returns the name of the quality
averageTimeEncodingQualityinteger($int32)0Returns the average time for encoding in a certain quality
numberOfQualitiesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of qualities
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden