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Live Jobs

GET Live Jobs#

Get all live jobs.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/livejobs
Parametersversion, projectId, search, pageIndex, pageSize
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstring"1"Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuidf5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesstring1Shows the version of API
Project IdYesstring($Guid)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the project id of API
SearchYesstring"string"Shows the livejob that contain that particular string
PageIndexNointeger($int32)1Enter the page index, from which page you want to see live jobs
PageSizeNointeger($int32)10Enter how many pages you want to list from page index you selected

Request body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {      "id": 0,      "name": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",      "key": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",      "status": "string",      "description": "string",      "filePath": "string",      "insertDate": "2021-11-04T15:12:19.222Z",      "startDateTime": "2021-11-04T15:12:19.222Z",      "endDateTime": "2021-11-04T15:12:19.222Z"    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Return a list of live jobs
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of live job
nameGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Returns the name of live job as guid.
keyGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Returns the stream key of live job as guid.
statusstring"Live"Returns the status of the live job.
descriptionstring"string"Returns the endpoint of the bucket.
filePathstring"string"Returns the filepath where livejob puts chunks in.
insertDateDateTime"2021-11-04T15:12:19.222Z"Returns the inserted date time of live job.
startDateTimeDateTime"2021-11-04T15:12:19.222Z"Returns the startDateTime date time of live job.
endDateTimeDateTime"2021-11-04T15:12:19.222Z"Returns the endDateTime date time of live job.
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

POST Live Job#

Create a new live job.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/livejobs
ParametersprojectId, version
Body{jobTemplateId, destination, description, cdnDistribution, input{}, filePath, serverType, inputClass, callbackUrl }

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstring1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuid2e21fae6-af4c-4a4a-e0fc-08d903f55711Shows the project Id

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
versionYesstringv1Shows the version of API
projectIdYesstring($Guid)2e21fae6-af4c-4a4a-e0fc-08d903f55711Id of the project

Request body#

{  "jobTemplateId": 0,  "destination": "string",  "description": "string",  "bucket": "string",  "cdnDistribution": true,  "input": {    "filePath": "string",    "serverType": 0,    "inputClass": 0,    "callbackUrl": "string"  }}

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
jobTemplateIdYesint10Sends the job template id
destinationYesstring"string"Sends the destination in a bucket where chunck files will be saved
descriptionNostring"string"Sends the destination in a bucket where chunck files will be saved
bucketYesstring"string"Sends bucket name for the live job
cdnDistributionNobooltrueSends the value of CDN enable or disable for the specific live job
filePathYesstring"string"Sends the filepath of the live job for the stream
serverTypeYesbooltrueSends the selected server type (SRT, RTMP or HLS)
inputClassYesbool1Sends the input class for the stream (Single or Standard)


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 201 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {    "name": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",    "key": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",    "destination": "string",    "description": "string",    "projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",    "status": 0,    "startDateTime": "2021-11-04T16:39:58.966Z",    "endDateTime": "2021-11-04T16:39:58.966Z",    "jobTemplateId": 0,    "argoResourceName": "string",    "resourceName": "string",    "bucket": "string",    "cdnDistribution": true,    "rtmpServer": "string",    "webSocketConnection": "string",    "cdn": "string",    "storageMasterFile": "string",    "outputManifests": {      "additionalProp1": "string",      "additionalProp2": "string",      "additionalProp3": "string"    },    "input": {      "filePath": "string",      "serverType": 0,      "serverTypeOptions": [        {          "id": 0,          "value": "string",          "enabled": true        }      ],      "inputClass": 0,      "inputClassOptions": [        {          "id": 0,          "value": "string",          "enabled": true        }      ],      "callbackUrl": "string"    },    "statistics": {      "width": 0,      "height": 0,      "framerate": 0,      "videoDataRate": 0,      "videoCodecId": 0,      "audioDataRate": 0,      "audioSampleRate": 0,      "audioSampleSize": 0,      "audioCodecId": 0,      "audioChannels": 0,      "stereo": true,      "encoder": "string"    }  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns the result of created live job
nameGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Returns the name of live job as guid.
keyGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Returns the stream key of live job as guid.
destinationstring"string"Returns the destination in a bucket where chunck files will be saved
descriptionstring"string"Returns the destination in a bucket where chunck files will be saved
projectIdGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Returns the project id of the created live job as guid.
statusstring"Live"Returns the status of the live job.
startDateTimeDateTime"2021-11-04T15:12:19.222Z"Returns the startDateTime date time of live job.
endDateTimeDateTime"2021-11-04T15:12:19.222Z"Returns the endDateTime date time of live job.
jobTemplateIdint10Returns the job template id
bucketstring"string"Returns bucket name for the live job
cdnDistributionbooltrueReturns the value of CDN enable or disable for the specific live job
rtmpServerstring"rtmp://"Returns the URL of the rtmp server for the stream key
webSocketConnectionstring"wss://"Returns the URL of the web socket connection for the stream key
cdnstring"string"Returns the URL of the CDN for the stream key
storageMasterFilestring"string"Returns the URL of the master file where its saved in storage for the stream key
inputarray[object]Returns the object of input for the live stream
filePathstring"string"Returns the filepath where livejob puts chunks in.
serverTypestring"string"Returns which server type you choose for the specific live job
serverTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the object of server type options (RTMP,SRT,HLS)
idstring"string"Returns the id of the server type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the server type (RTMP, SRT or HLS)
enabledstring"string"Returns the enabled value (true or false) option for the server type
inputClassstring"string"Returns which input class you choose for the specific live job
inputClassOptionsarray[object]Returns the object of input class options (Single or Standard)
idstring"string"Returns the id of the input class option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the input class (Single or Standard)
enabledstring"string"Returns the enabled value (true or false) option for the input class
statisticsstring"string"Returns the video statistics that play with that live job
tagsstring"string"Returns the pricing tags for the created live job
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 400 Bad Request
  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

GET Output Job#

Get all live encoding output jobs.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/livejobs/outputs
Parametersversion, projectId
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuidf5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesstringv1Shows the version of API
Project IdYesstring($Guid)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the project id of API
LiveJobIdYesinteger($int32)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of the live job

Request body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {      "liveJobId": 0,      "outputId": 0,      "progress": 0,      "status": 0,      "lockKey": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",      "counter": 0,      "encoderId": 0    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns a list of live encoding output jobs
liveJobIdinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the live job
outputIdinteger($int32)0Returns the id of output live job
progressinteger($int32)0Returns the progress of the live encoding output job
statusinteger($int32)0Returns the status of the live job
lockKeyGuid"f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6"Returns the lock key
encoderIdinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the encoder
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

POST Encoding#

Start Encoding or Stop it.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/livejobs/{streamKey}
Parametersversion, projectId, streamKey
Body{online, startDateTime, finishDateTime}

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuid2e21fae6-af4c-4a4a-e0fc-08d903f55711Shows the project Id
{streamKey}YesGuid2e21fae6-af4c-4a4a-e0fc-08d903f55711Shows the stream key of the stream

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
versionYesstringv1Shows the version of API
projectIdYesstring($Guid)2e21fae6-af4c-4a4a-e0fc-08d903f55711Id of the project
streamKeyYesstring($Guid)3e2afa71-af4c-4a4a-e0fc-08d91af53721Shows the stream key of the stream

Request body#

{  "online": true,  "startDateTime": "2022-01-28T23:33:39.961Z",  "finishDateTime": "2022-01-28T23:33:39.961Z"}

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
onlineYesbooltrueSends true if live job is online or false if live job is offline
startDateTimeYesDateTime"2022-01-29T15:12:19.222Z"Sends the start time for live cut
finishDateTimeYesDateTime"2022-01-29T15:12:19.222Z"Sends the finished time for live cut


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 201 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {    "online": true,    "playBackPathURL": "string"  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns the result of created live job
onlinebooltrueReturns true if live job is online or false otherwise
playBackPathURLstring"string"Returns the path for playback
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

GET Live Job#

Get live job.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/livejobs/{id}
Parametersversion, projectId,id
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuidf5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of project
{id}YesGuidf5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of the live job

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesstringv1Shows the version of API
Project IdYesstring($Guid)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the project id of API
IdYesstring($Guid)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of the live job

Request body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {    "name": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",    "key": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",    "destination": "string",    "description": "string",    "projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",    "status": 0,    "startDateTime": "2021-11-02T16:17:30.371Z",    "endDateTime": "2021-11-02T16:17:30.371Z",    "jobTemplateId": 0,    "argoResourceName": "string",    "resourceName": "string",    "bucket": "string",    "cdnDistribution": true,    "rtmpServer": "rtmp://serverIP/live/",    "webSocketConnection": "wss://serverIP/websocketplay/streamKey",    "cdn": "string",    "storageMasterFile": "",    "outputManifests": {      "additionalProp1": ""    },    "input": {      "filePath": "string",      "serverType": 0,      "serverTypeOptions": [        {          "id": 0,          "value": "string",          "enabled": true        }      ],      "inputClass": 0,      "inputClassOptions": [        {          "id": 0,          "value": "string",          "enabled": true        }      ],      "callbackUrl": "string"    },    "statistics": {      "width": 0,      "height": 0,      "framerate": 0,      "videoDataRate": 0,      "videoCodecId": 0,      "audioDataRate": 0,      "audioSampleRate": 0,      "audioSampleSize": 0,      "audioCodecId": 0,      "audioChannels": 0,      "stereo": true,      "encoder": "string"    }  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns the requested live job
nameGuid"f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6"Returns the name of the live job
keyGuid"f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6"Returns the stream key of the live job
destinationstring"string"Returns the bucket destination of the live job
descriptionstring"string"Returns the description of the live job
projectIdGuid"f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6"Returns the project id of the live job
statusinteger($int32)0Returns the status of the live job
startDateTimedate2021-11-02T16:23:07.180ZReturns the date when that live job has started
endDateTimedate2021-11-02T16:23:07.180ZReturns the date when that live job has ended
jobTemplateIdinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the template used
resourceNamestring"string"Returns the resource name of the live job
bucketstring"string"Returns the bucket name of the live job
cdnDistributionboolfalseIf CDN is enabled will return true otherwise will return false
rtmpServerstring"rtmp://serverIP/live/"Return the endpoint to start live streaming
webSocketConnectionstring"wss://serverIP/websocketplay/streamKey"Return the web socket endpoint to view live streaming
cdnstring'CDN Endpoint'Return the CDN endpoint of the live job
storageMasterFilestring""Returns the storage endpoint for the live job master file
outputManifestsarray[]Returns the endpoints for output manifests
additionalProp1string"string"Returns the endpoint of the output manifest for that specific quality
inputobjectReturns the input information about the live job
filePathstring"string"Returns the file path of the live job
serverTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the type of server selected
serverTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns all server type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the server option
valuestring"string"eturns the id of the server option
enabledboolfalseReturns false if the option is not selected or true if the option is selected
inputClassinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the type of input class selected
serverTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns all input class type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the input class option
valuestring"string"Returns the id of the input class option
enabledboolfalseReturns false if the option is not selected or true if the option is selected
statisticsarray[object]Returns all statistics
widthinteger($int32)0Returns the width of the video
heightinteger($int32)0Returns the height of the video
framerateinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate of the live stream
videoDataRateinteger($int32)0Returns the video data rate of the live stream
videoCodecIdinteger($int32)0Returns the codec of the video in live stream
audioDataRateinteger($int32)0Returns the audio data rate of the live stream
audioSampleRateinteger($int32)0Returns the audio sample data rate of the live stream
audioSampleSizeinteger($int32)0Returns the size of the audio sample
audioCodecIdinteger($int32)0Returns the codec of the audio in live stream
audioChannelsinteger($int32)0Returns the number of audio channels
stereoboolfalseReturns true if the live stream has stereo otherwise false
encoderstring"string"Returns the name of the encoder
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

GET Live Job Timings#

Get all live job timings

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/livejobs/{id}/timings
Parametersversion, projectId, id, outputId, pageIndex, pageSize
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
v{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuidf5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of project
{id}YesGuidf5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the name of the live job

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesstring($uuid)v1Shows the version of API
Project IdYesstring($Guid)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the project id of API
IdNostring($Guid)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the name id of the live job
OutputIdNointeger($int32)1Enter the id of the a specific output
PageIndexNointeger($int32)1Enter the page index, from which page you want to see live jobs
PageSizeNointeger($int32)10Enter how many pages you want to list from page index you selected

Request body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {      "status": "string",      "childStatus": "string",      "startDateTime": "2022-04-01T08:08:23.769Z",      "messageComment": "string"    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns a list of live templates
statusstring"string"Returns the status of the live job e.g. live or offline
childStatusstring"string"Returns the action of the live job at that moment
startDateTimedate2021-11-02T16:23:07.180ZReturns the date of the taken timming
messageCommentstring"string"Returns content of the timming
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

GET Statistics#

Get Live job statistics.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/livejobs/{id}/stats
Parametersversion, projectId,id
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
v{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuidf5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of project
{id}YesGuidf5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of the live job

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
VersionYesstring($uuid)v1Shows the version of API
Project IdYesstring($Guid)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the project id of API
IdYesstring($Guid)f5faa2e3-316b-4dd0-8f4d-ab41f6f71bd6Shows the id of the live job

Request body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {      "width": 0,      "height": 0,      "framerate": 0,      "videoDataRate": 0,      "videoCodecId": 0,      "audioDataRate": 0,      "audioSampleRate": 0,      "audioSampleSize": 0,      "audioCodecId": 0,      "audioChannels": 0,      "stereo": true,      "encoder": "string"    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns a list of live templates
widthinteger($int32)0Returns the width of the video
heightinteger($int32)0Returns the height of the video
framerateinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate of the live stream
videoDataRateinteger($int32)0Returns the video data rate of the live stream
videoCodecIdinteger($int32)0Returns the codec of the video in live stream
audioDataRateinteger($int32)0Returns the audio data rate of the live stream
audioSampleRateinteger($int32)0Returns the audio sample data rate of the live stream
audioSampleSizeinteger($int32)0Returns the size of the audio sample
audioCodecIdinteger($int32)0Returns the codec of the audio in live stream
audioChannelsinteger($int32)0Returns the number of audio channels
stereoboolfalseReturns true if the live stream has stereo otherwise false
encoderstring"string"Returns the name of the encoder
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found