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GET Presets#

Get all Presets

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/presets
Parametersversion, projectId, pageIndex, pageSize, type, search, outputGroupType
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesinteger($int32)1Shows the version of API
{projectId}YesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
PageIndexNointeger($int32)1Enter the page index, from which page you want to see presets
PageSizeNointeger($int32)10Enter how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
TypeNointeger($int32)0Shows the type of preset
SearchNostring"string"Shows the substring that must match the preset name
OutputGroupTypeNointeger($int32)0Shows the output category of the preset

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{  "success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": [    {      "id": 0,      "projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",      "presetType": "string",      "name": "string",      "description": "string",      "category": "string"    }  ],  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultarray [object]Returns the requested presets
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset
projectIdstring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the project id of the preset
presetTypestring"string"Returns the type of preset. For example it returns Custom or System preset
namestring"string"Returns the display name of the preset
descriptionstring"string"Returns the description of the preset
categorystring"string"Returns the category of the preset
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

POST Preset#

Create a new Preset.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/presets
Parametersversion, projectId
Body{name, description, category, container{type}, videoDescription{codecType, width, height, rateControlMode, qualityTuningLevel, bitrate, maxBitrate, framerateControl, framerateDenominator, framerateNumerator, framerateConversionAlgorithm, parNumerator, parDenominator, gopSize, gopSizeUnit, numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames, codecProfile, codecLevel, colorMetadata, deinterlace, presetOption, fragmentationType}, audioDescription{codecType, audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix, bitrate, rateControlMode, codecProfile, codingMode, rawFormat, sampleRate, specification}}

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($uuid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
ProjectIdYesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
VersionYesinteger($int32)v1Shows the version of API

Request body#

{  "name": "string",  "description": "string",  "category": "string",  "container": {    "type": 0  },  "videoDescription": {    "codecType": 0,    "width": 0,    "height": 0,    "rateControlMode": 0,    "qualityTuningLevel": 0,    "bitrate": 0,    "maxBitrate": 0,    "framerateControl": "string",    "framerateDenominator": 0,    "framerateNumerator": 0,    "framerateConversionAlgorithm": "string",    "parNumerator": 0,    "parDenominator": 0,    "gopSize": 0,    "gopSizeUnit": 0,    "numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames": 0,    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecLevel": "string",    "colorMetadata": 0,    "deinterlace": true,    "presetOption": 0,    "fragmentationType": 0  },  "audioDescription": {    "codecType": 0,    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": 0,    "bitrate": 0,    "rateControlMode": 0,    "codecProfile": 0,    "codingMode": 0,    "rawFormat": 0,    "sampleRate": 0,    "specification": 0  }}
Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
nameYesstring"string"It specifies the name for the preset to be created
descriptionNostring"string"It specifies the description for the preset to be created
categoryNostring"string"It specifies the category for the preset to be created
containerYesobjectIt specifies the container properties for the preset to be created
typeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the container type for the preset to be created
videoDescriptionYesobjectIt specifies the video description properties for the preset to be created
codecTypeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video codec type for the preset to be created
widthYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video width for the preset to be created
heightYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video height for the preset to be created
qualityTuningLevelYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video quality tuning level for the preset to be created
bitrateYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video bitrate for the preset to be created
maxBitrateYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video maximum bitrate for the preset to be created
framerateControlYesstring"string"It specifies the video framerate control for the preset to be created
framerateDenominatorNointeger($int32)0It specifies the video framerate denominator for the custom preset to be created
framerateNumeratorNointeger($int32)0It specifies the video framerate numerator for the custom preset to be created
framerateConversionAlgorithmYesstring"string"It specifies the video framerate conversion algorithm for the preset to be created
parNumeratorNointeger($int32)0It specifies the video pixel aspect ration numerator for the custom preset to be created
parDenominatorNointeger($int32)0It specifies the video pixel aspect ration denominator for the custom preset to be created
gopSizeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video GOP size for the preset to be created
gopSizeUnitYesinteger($int32)0It specifies th video GOP size unit for the preset to be created
numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFramesYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video number of b-frames between reference frames for the preset to be created
codecProfileYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video codec profile for the preset to be created
codecLevelYesstring"string"It specifies the video codec level for the preset to be created
colorMetadataYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video color metadata for the preset to be created
deinterlaceYesboolfalseIt specifies whether the video deinterlace algorithm is enabled for the preset to be created
presetOptionYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video preset option for the preset to be created
fragmentationTypeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video fragmentation type for the preset to be created
audioDescriptionYesobject0It specifies the audio description properties for the preset to be created
codecTypeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio codec type for the preset to be created
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio description broadcaster mix for the preset to be created
bitrateYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio bitrate for the preset to be created
rateControlModeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio rate control mode for the preset to be created
codecProfileYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio codec profile for the preset to be created
codingModeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio coding mode for the preset to be created
rawFormatYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio coding mode for the preset to be created
sampleRateYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio sample rate for the preset to be created
specificationYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio specification for the preset to be created


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

"success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {   "id": 0,  "insertDate": "2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z",  "updateDate": "2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z",  "insertedBy": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "updatedBy": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "presetType": 0,  "presetTypeOptions": [    {      "id": 0,      "value": "string",      "enabled": true    }  ],  "name": "string",  "description": "string",  "category": "string",  "container": {    "type": 0,    "containerOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ]  },  "videoDescription": {    "name": "string",    "codecType": 0,    "codecTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "width": 0,    "height": 0,    "rateControlMode": 0,    "rateControlModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "qualityTuningLevel": 0,    "qualityTuningLevelOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "bitrate": 0,    "maxBitrate": 0,    "framerateControl": "string",    "framerateDenominator": 0,    "framerateNumerator": 0,    "framerateConversionAlgorithm": "string",    "interlaceMode": "string",    "fieldEncoding": "string",    "scanTypeConversionMode": "string",    "videoFrameRateOptions": [      [        "string"      ]    ],    "parNumerator": 0,    "parDenominator": 0,    "videoPixelRatioOptions": [      [        "string"      ]    ],    "gopSize": 0,    "gopSizeUnit": 0,    "gopSizeUnitOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames": 0,    "gopClosedCadence": 0,    "numberReferenceFrames": 0,    "dynamicSubGop": "string",    "repeatPps": "string",    "gopBReference": "string",    "sceneChangeDetection": "string",    "minInterval": 0,    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecProfileOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codecLevel": "string",    "codecLevelOptions": [      "string"    ],    "colorMetadata": 0,    "colorMetadataOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "slices": 0,    "entropyEncoding": "string",    "adaptiveQuantization": "string",    "deinterlace": true,    "timecodeInsertion": true,    "sharpness": "string",    "presetOption": 0,    "presetOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "fragmentationType": 0,    "fragmentationTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ]  },  "audioDescription": {    "audioTypeControl": "string",    "codecType": 0,    "codecTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": 0,    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "bitrate": 0,    "audioSampleBitrateOptions": {      "additionalProp1": [        "string"      ],      "additionalProp2": [        "string"      ],      "additionalProp3": [        "string"      ]    },    "rateControlMode": 0,    "rateControlModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecProfileOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codingMode": 0,    "codingModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "rawFormat": 0,    "rawFormatOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "sampleRate": 0,    "specification": 0,    "specificationOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "languageCodeControl": "string"  }  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the created preset
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the created preset
insertDateDateTime"2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z"Returns the insertion date of the created preset
updateDateDateTime"2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z"Returns the latest updated date of the created preset
insertedBystring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the identifier of the person who inserted the preset
updatedBystring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the identifier of the person who updated the preset
projectIdstring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the project id of the created preset
presetTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset type of the created preset
presetTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for preset types
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected preset type
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the selected preset type
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the selected preset type is enabled
namestring"string"Returns the name of the created preset
descriptionstring"string"Returns the description of the created preset
categorystring"string"Returns the category of the created preset
containerobjectReturns the container properties of the created preset
typeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected container id of the created preset
containerOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options of containers
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected container
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the selected container
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the selected container is enabled
videoDescriptionobjectReturns the video description for the created preset
namestring"string"Returns the name for the created preset
codecTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the video codec type for the created preset
codecTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec types
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec option is enabled
widthinteger($int32)0Returns the video width
heightinteger($int32)0Returns the video height
rateControlModeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected video rate control mode for the created preset
rateControlModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for rate control mode
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the rate control mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the rate control mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the rate control mode option is enabled
qualityTuningLevelinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected quality tuning level for the created preset
qualityTuningLevelOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for quality tuning level
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the quality tuning level option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the quality tuning level option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the quality tuning level option is enabled
bitrateinteger($int32)0Returns the bitrate for the created preset
maxBitrateinteger($int32)0Returns the maximum bitrate for the created preset
framerateControlstring"string"Returns the framerate control for the created preset
framerateDenominatorinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate denominator for custom framerate
framerateNumeratorinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate numerator for custom framerate
framerateConversionAlgorithmstring"string"Returns the framerate conversion algorithmn for the created preset
interlaceModestring"string"Returns the interlaces mode for the created preset
fieldEncodingstring"string"Returns the field encoding for the created preset
scanTypeConversionModestring"string"Returns the scan type conversion mode for the created preset
videoFrameRateOptionsarray[string[]]{"string", "string"},{"string", "string"}Returns the list of video frame rate options for the created preset
parNumeratorinteger($int32)0Returns the numerator for custom pixel aspect ratio
parDenominatorinteger($int32)0Returns the denominator for custom pixel aspect ratio
videoPixelRatioOptionsarray[string[]]{"string", "string"},{"string", "string"}Returns the list of video pixel ratio options for the created preset
gopSizeinteger($int32)0Returns the GOP size for the created preset
gopSizeUnitinteger($int32)0Returns the GOP unit size for the created preset
gopSizeUnitOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for GOP size unit
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the GOP size unit option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the GOP size unit option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the GOP size unit option is enabled
numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFramesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of b-frames between reference frames for the created preset
gopClosedCadenceinteger($int32)0Returns GOP closed cadence for the created preset
numberReferenceFramesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of reference frames for the created preset
dynamicSubGopstring"string"Returns the dynamic Sub GOP for the created preset
repeatPpsstring"string"Returns the peer-to-peer streaming for the created preset
gopBReferencestring"string"Returns the GOP B-Reference for the created preset
sceneChangeDetectionstring"string"Returns the scene change detection for the created preset
minIntervalinteger($int32)0Returns the minimum interval for the created preset
codecProfileinteger($int32)0Returns the selected codec profile for the created preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec profile options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec profilet option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec profile option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec profile option is enabled
codecLevelstring"string"Returns the selected codec level for the created preset
codecLevelOptionsarray[string]{"string", "string"}Returns the list of codec level options for the created preset
colorMetadatainteger($int32)0Returns the selected color metadata for the created preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for color metadata options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the color metadata option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the color metadata option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the color metadata option is enabled
slicesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of video slices of the created preset
entropyEncodingstring"string"Returns the entropy encoding for the created preset
adaptiveQuantizationstring"string"Returns the adaptive quantization for the created preset
deinterlaceboolfalseReturns whether the deinterlace is enabled for the created preset
timecodeInsertionboolfalseReturns whether the timecode insertion is enabled for the created preset
sharpnessstring"string"Returns the video sharpness for the created preset
presetOptioninteger($int32)0Returns the selected preset for the created preset
presetOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for preset options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the preset option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the preset option is enabled
fragmentationTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected fragmentation type for the created preset
fragmentationTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for fragmentation type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the fragmentation type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the fragmentation type option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the fragmentation type option is enabled
audioDescriptionobjectReturns the audio description for the created preset
audioTypeControlstring"string"Returns the audio type control for the created preset
codecTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected audio codec type for the created preset
codecTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for audio codec type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the audio codec type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the audio codec type option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the audio codec type option is enabled
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixinteger($int32)0Returns the selected audio description broadcaster mix for the created preset
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for audio description broadcaster mix options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the audio description broadcaster mix option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the audio description broadcaster mix option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the audio description broadcaster mix option is enabled
bitratelong0Returns the audio bitrate for the created preset
audioSampleBitrateOptionsDictionary<string, string[]>{"string", {"string", "string"}}Returns the audio sample bitrate properties for the created preset
rateControlModeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected rate control mode for the created preset
rateControlModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for rate control mode options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the rate control mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the rate control mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the rate control mode option is enabled
codecProfileinteger($int32)0Returns the selected codec profile for the created preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec profile options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec profile option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec profile option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec profile option is enabled
codingModeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected coding mode for the created preset
codingModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for coding mode options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the coding mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the coding mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the coding mode option is enabled
rawFormatinteger($int32)0Returns the selected raw format for the created preset
rawFormatOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for the raw format options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the raw format option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the raw format option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the raw format option is enabled
sampleRatelong0Returns the audio sample rate for the created preset
sampleRatelong0Returns the audio sample rate for the created preset
specificationinteger($int32)0Returns the selected specification for the created preset
specificationOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for the specification options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the specification option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the specification option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the specification option is enabled
languageCodeControlstring"string"Returns the language code control for the created preset
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

PUT Preset#

Update a Preset.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/presets
Parametersversion, projectId
Body{name, description, category, container{type}, videoDescription{codecType, width, height, rateControlMode, qualityTuningLevel, bitrate, maxBitrate, framerateControl, framerateDenominator, framerateNumerator, framerateConversionAlgorithm, parNumerator, parDenominator, gopSize, gopSizeUnit, numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames, codecProfile, codecLevel, colorMetadata, deinterlace, presetOption, fragmentationType}, audioDescription{codecType, audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix, bitrate, rateControlMode, codecProfile, codingMode, rawFormat, sampleRate, specification}}

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($uuid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
ProjectIdYesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
VersionYesinteger($int32)v1Shows the version of API

Request body#

{  "name": "string",  "description": "string",  "category": "string",  "container": {    "type": 0  },  "videoDescription": {    "codecType": 0,    "width": 0,    "height": 0,    "rateControlMode": 0,    "qualityTuningLevel": 0,    "bitrate": 0,    "maxBitrate": 0,    "framerateControl": "string",    "framerateDenominator": 0,    "framerateNumerator": 0,    "framerateConversionAlgorithm": "string",    "parNumerator": 0,    "parDenominator": 0,    "gopSize": 0,    "gopSizeUnit": 0,    "numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames": 0,    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecLevel": "string",    "colorMetadata": 0,    "deinterlace": true,    "presetOption": 0,    "fragmentationType": 0  },  "audioDescription": {    "codecType": 0,    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": 0,    "bitrate": 0,    "rateControlMode": 0,    "codecProfile": 0,    "codingMode": 0,    "rawFormat": 0,    "sampleRate": 0,    "specification": 0  }}
Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
nameYesstring"string"It specifies the name for the preset to be updated
descriptionNostring"string"It specifies the description for the preset to be updated
categoryNostring"string"It specifies the category for the preset to be updated
containerYesobjectIt specifies the container properties for the preset to be updated
typeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the container type for the preset to be updated
videoDescriptionYesobjectIt specifies the video description properties for the preset to be updated
codecTypeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video codec type for the preset to be updated
widthYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video width for the preset to be updated
heightYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video height for the preset to be updated
qualityTuningLevelYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video quality tuning level for the preset to be updated
bitrateYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video bitrate for the preset to be updated
maxBitrateYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video maximum bitrate for the preset to be updated
framerateControlYesstring"string"It specifies the video framerate control for the preset to be updated
framerateDenominatorNointeger($int32)0It specifies the video framerate denominator for the custom preset to be updated
framerateNumeratorNointeger($int32)0It specifies the video framerate numerator for the custom preset to be updated
framerateConversionAlgorithmYesstring"string"It specifies the video framerate conversion algorithm for the preset to be updated
parNumeratorNointeger($int32)0It specifies the video pixel aspect ration numerator for the custom preset to be updated
parDenominatorNointeger($int32)0It specifies the video pixel aspect ration denominator for the custom preset to be updated
gopSizeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video GOP size for the preset to be updated
gopSizeUnitYesinteger($int32)0It specifies th videoe GOP size unit for the preset to be updated
numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFramesYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video number of b-frames between reference frames for the preset to be updated
codecProfileYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video codec profile for the preset to be updated
codecLevelYesstring"string"It specifies the video codec level for the preset to be updated
colorMetadataYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video color metadata for the preset to be updated
deinterlaceYesboolfalseIt specifies whether the video deinterlace algorithmn is enabled for the preset to be updated
presetOptionYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video preset option for the preset to be updated
fragmentationTypeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the video fragmentation type for the preset to be updated
audioDescriptionYesobject0It specifies the audio description properties for the preset to be updated
codecTypeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio codec type for the preset to be updated
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio description broadcaster mix for the preset to be updated
bitrateYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio bitrate for the preset to be updated
rateControlModeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio rate control mode for the preset to be updated
codecProfileYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio codec profile for the preset to be updated
codingModeYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio coding mode for the preset to be updated
rawFormatYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio coding mode for the preset to be updated
sampleRateYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio sample rate for the preset to be updated
specificationYesinteger($int32)0It specifies the audio specification for the preset to be updated


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

"success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {   "id": 0,  "insertDate": "2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z",  "updateDate": "2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z",  "insertedBy": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "updatedBy": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "presetType": 0,  "presetTypeOptions": [    {      "id": 0,      "value": "string",      "enabled": true    }  ],  "name": "string",  "description": "string",  "category": "string",  "container": {    "type": 0,    "containerOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ]  },  "videoDescription": {    "name": "string",    "codecType": 0,    "codecTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "width": 0,    "height": 0,    "rateControlMode": 0,    "rateControlModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "qualityTuningLevel": 0,    "qualityTuningLevelOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "bitrate": 0,    "maxBitrate": 0,    "framerateControl": "string",    "framerateDenominator": 0,    "framerateNumerator": 0,    "framerateConversionAlgorithm": "string",    "interlaceMode": "string",    "fieldEncoding": "string",    "scanTypeConversionMode": "string",    "videoFrameRateOptions": [      [        "string"      ]    ],    "parNumerator": 0,    "parDenominator": 0,    "videoPixelRatioOptions": [      [        "string"      ]    ],    "gopSize": 0,    "gopSizeUnit": 0,    "gopSizeUnitOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames": 0,    "gopClosedCadence": 0,    "numberReferenceFrames": 0,    "dynamicSubGop": "string",    "repeatPps": "string",    "gopBReference": "string",    "sceneChangeDetection": "string",    "minInterval": 0,    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecProfileOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codecLevel": "string",    "codecLevelOptions": [      "string"    ],    "colorMetadata": 0,    "colorMetadataOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "slices": 0,    "entropyEncoding": "string",    "adaptiveQuantization": "string",    "deinterlace": true,    "timecodeInsertion": true,    "sharpness": "string",    "presetOption": 0,    "presetOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "fragmentationType": 0,    "fragmentationTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ]  },  "audioDescription": {    "audioTypeControl": "string",    "codecType": 0,    "codecTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": 0,    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "bitrate": 0,    "audioSampleBitrateOptions": {      "additionalProp1": [        "string"      ],      "additionalProp2": [        "string"      ],      "additionalProp3": [        "string"      ]    },    "rateControlMode": 0,    "rateControlModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecProfileOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codingMode": 0,    "codingModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "rawFormat": 0,    "rawFormatOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "sampleRate": 0,    "specification": 0,    "specificationOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "languageCodeControl": "string"  }  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the updated preset
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the updated preset
insertDateDateTime"2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z"Returns the insertion date of the updated preset
updateDateDateTime"2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z"Returns the latest updated date of the updated preset
insertedBystring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the identifier of the person who inserted the preset
updatedBystring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the identifier of the person who updated the preset
projectIdstring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the project id of the updated preset
presetTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset type of the updated preset
presetTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for preset types
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected preset type
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the selected preset type
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the selected preset type is enabled
namestring"string"Returns the name of the updated preset
descriptionstring"string"Returns the description of the updated preset
categorystring"string"Returns the category of the updated preset
containerobjectReturns the container properties of the updated preset
typeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected container id of the updated preset
containerOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options of containers
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected container
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the selected container
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the selected container is enabled
videoDescriptionobjectReturns the video description for the updated preset
namestring"string"Returns the name for the updated preset
codecTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the video codec type for the updated preset
codecTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec types
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec option is enabled
widthinteger($int32)0Returns the video width
heightinteger($int32)0Returns the video height
rateControlModeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected video rate control mode for the updated preset
rateControlModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for rate control mode
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the rate control mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the rate control mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the rate control mode option is enabled
qualityTuningLevelinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected quality tuning level for the updated preset
qualityTuningLevelOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for quality tuning level
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the quality tuning level option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the quality tuning level option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the quality tuning level option is enabled
bitrateinteger($int32)0Returns the bitrate for the updated preset
maxBitrateinteger($int32)0Returns the maximum bitrate for the updated preset
framerateControlstring"string"Returns the framerate control for the updated preset
framerateDenominatorinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate denominator for custom framerate
framerateNumeratorinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate numerator for custom framerate
framerateConversionAlgorithmstring"string"Returns the framerate conversion algorithm for the updated preset
interlaceModestring"string"Returns the interlaces mode for the updated preset
fieldEncodingstring"string"Returns the field encoding for the updated preset
scanTypeConversionModestring"string"Returns the scan type conversion mode for the updated preset
videoFrameRateOptionsarray[string[]]{"string", "string"},{"string", "string"}Returns the list of video frame rate options for the updated preset
parNumeratorinteger($int32)0Returns the numerator for custom pixel aspect ratio
parDenominatorinteger($int32)0Returns the denominator for custom pixel aspect ratio
videoPixelRatioOptionsarray[string[]]{"string", "string"},{"string", "string"}Returns the list of video pixel ratio options for the updated preset
gopSizeinteger($int32)0Returns the GOP size for the updated preset
gopSizeUnitinteger($int32)0Returns the GOP unit size for the updated preset
gopSizeUnitOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for GOP size unit
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the GOP size unit option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the GOP size unit option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the GOP size unit option is enabled
numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFramesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of b-frames between reference frames for the updated preset
gopClosedCadenceinteger($int32)0Returns GOP closed cadence for the updated preset
numberReferenceFramesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of reference frames for the updated preset
dynamicSubGopstring"string"Returns the dynamic Sub GOP for the updated preset
repeatPpsstring"string"Returns the peer-to-peer streaming for the updated preset
gopBReferencestring"string"Returns the GOP B-Reference for the updated preset
sceneChangeDetectionstring"string"Returns the scene change detection for the updated preset
minIntervalinteger($int32)0Returns the minimum interval for the updated preset
codecProfileinteger($int32)0Returns the selected codec profile for the updated preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec profile options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec profile option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec profile option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec profile option is enabled
codecLevelstring"string"Returns the selected codec level for the updated preset
codecLevelOptionsarray[string]{"string", "string"}Returns the list of codec level options for the updated preset
colorMetadatainteger($int32)0Returns the selected color metadata for the updated preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for color metadata options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the color metadata option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the color metadata option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the color metadata option is enabled
slicesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of video slices of the updated preset
entropyEncodingstring"string"Returns the entropy encoding for the updated preset
adaptiveQuantizationstring"string"Returns the adaptive quantization for the updated preset
deinterlaceboolfalseReturns whether the deinterlace is enabled for the updated preset
timecodeInsertionboolfalseReturns whether the timecode insertion is enabled for the updated preset
sharpnessstring"string"Returns the video sharpness for the updated preset
presetOptioninteger($int32)0Returns the selected preset for the updated preset
presetOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for preset options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the preset option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the preset option is enabled
fragmentationTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected fragmentation type for the updated preset
fragmentationTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for fragmentation type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the fragmentation type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the fragmentation type option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the fragmentation type option is enabled
audioDescriptionobjectReturns the audio description for the updated preset
audioTypeControlstring"string"Returns the audio type control for the updated preset
codecTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected audio codec type for the updated preset
codecTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for audio codec type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the audio codec type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the audio codec type option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the audio codec type option is enabled
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixinteger($int32)0Returns the selected audio description broadcaster mix for the updated preset
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for audio description broadcaster mix options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the audio description broadcaster mix option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the audio description broadcaster mix option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the audio description broadcaster mix option is enabled
bitratelong0Returns the audio bitrate for the updated preset
audioSampleBitrateOptionsDictionary<string, string[]>{"string", {"string", "string"}}Returns the audio sample bitrate properties for the updated preset
rateControlModeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected rate control mode for the updated preset
rateControlModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for rate control mode options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the rate control mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the rate control mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the rate control mode option is enabled
codecProfileinteger($int32)0Returns the selected codec profile for the updated preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec profile options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec profile option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec profile option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec profile option is enabled
codingModeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected coding mode for the updated preset
codingModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for coding mode options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the coding mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the coding mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the coding mode option is enabled
rawFormatinteger($int32)0Returns the selected raw format for the updated preset
rawFormatOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for the raw format options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the raw format option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the raw format option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the raw format option is enabled
sampleRatelong0Returns the audio sample rate for the updated preset
sampleRatelong0Returns the audio sample rate for the updated preset
specificationinteger($int32)0Returns the selected specification for the updated preset
specificationOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for the specification options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the specification option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the specification option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the specification option is enabled
languageCodeControlstring"string"Returns the language code control for the updated preset
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

GET Preset#

Get a Preset.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/presets/{id}
Parametersversion, projectId, id
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($uuid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
{id}Yesinteger($int32)0Shows the id of the preset

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
ProjectIdYesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
VersionYesinteger($int32)v1Shows the version of API
IdYesinteger($int32)0Shows the id of the preset

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

"success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {   "id": 0,  "insertDate": "2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z",  "updateDate": "2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z",  "insertedBy": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "updatedBy": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "presetType": 0,  "presetTypeOptions": [    {      "id": 0,      "value": "string",      "enabled": true    }  ],  "name": "string",  "description": "string",  "category": "string",  "container": {    "type": 0,    "containerOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ]  },  "videoDescription": {    "name": "string",    "codecType": 0,    "codecTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "width": 0,    "height": 0,    "rateControlMode": 0,    "rateControlModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "qualityTuningLevel": 0,    "qualityTuningLevelOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "bitrate": 0,    "maxBitrate": 0,    "framerateControl": "string",    "framerateDenominator": 0,    "framerateNumerator": 0,    "framerateConversionAlgorithm": "string",    "interlaceMode": "string",    "fieldEncoding": "string",    "scanTypeConversionMode": "string",    "videoFrameRateOptions": [      [        "string"      ]    ],    "parNumerator": 0,    "parDenominator": 0,    "videoPixelRatioOptions": [      [        "string"      ]    ],    "gopSize": 0,    "gopSizeUnit": 0,    "gopSizeUnitOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames": 0,    "gopClosedCadence": 0,    "numberReferenceFrames": 0,    "dynamicSubGop": "string",    "repeatPps": "string",    "gopBReference": "string",    "sceneChangeDetection": "string",    "minInterval": 0,    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecProfileOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codecLevel": "string",    "codecLevelOptions": [      "string"    ],    "colorMetadata": 0,    "colorMetadataOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "slices": 0,    "entropyEncoding": "string",    "adaptiveQuantization": "string",    "deinterlace": true,    "timecodeInsertion": true,    "sharpness": "string",    "presetOption": 0,    "presetOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "fragmentationType": 0,    "fragmentationTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ]  },  "audioDescription": {    "audioTypeControl": "string",    "codecType": 0,    "codecTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": 0,    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "bitrate": 0,    "audioSampleBitrateOptions": {      "additionalProp1": [        "string"      ],      "additionalProp2": [        "string"      ],      "additionalProp3": [        "string"      ]    },    "rateControlMode": 0,    "rateControlModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecProfileOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codingMode": 0,    "codingModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "rawFormat": 0,    "rawFormatOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "sampleRate": 0,    "specification": 0,    "specificationOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "languageCodeControl": "string"  }  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the requested preset
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the requested preset
insertDateDateTime"2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z"Returns the insertion date of the requested preset
updateDateDateTime"2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z"Returns the latest updated date of the requested preset
insertedBystring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the identifier of the person who inserted the preset
updatedBystring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the identifier of the person who updated the preset
projectIdstring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the project id of the requested preset
presetTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset type of the requested preset
presetTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for preset types
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected preset type
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the selected preset type
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the selected preset type is enabled
namestring"string"Returns the name of the requested preset
descriptionstring"string"Returns the description of the requested preset
categorystring"string"Returns the category of the requested preset
containerobjectReturns the container properties of the requested preset
typeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected container id of the requested preset
containerOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options of containers
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected container
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the selected container
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the selected container is enabled
videoDescriptionobjectReturns the video description for the requested preset
namestring"string"Returns the name for the requested preset
codecTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the video codec type for the requested preset
codecTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec types
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec option is enabled
widthinteger($int32)0Returns the video width
heightinteger($int32)0Returns the video height
rateControlModeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected video rate control mode for the requested preset
rateControlModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for rate control mode
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the rate control mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the rate control mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the rate control mode option is enabled
qualityTuningLevelinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected quality tuning level for the requested preset
qualityTuningLevelOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for quality tuning level
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the quality tuning level option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the quality tuning level option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the quality tuning level option is enabled
bitrateinteger($int32)0Returns the bitrate for the requested preset
maxBitrateinteger($int32)0Returns the maximum bitrate for the requested preset
framerateControlstring"string"Returns the framerate control for the requested preset
framerateDenominatorinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate denominator for custom framerate
framerateNumeratorinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate numerator for custom framerate
framerateConversionAlgorithmstring"string"Returns the framerate conversion algorithmn for the requested preset
interlaceModestring"string"Returns the interlaces mode for the requested preset
fieldEncodingstring"string"Returns the field encoding for the requested preset
scanTypeConversionModestring"string"Returns the scan type conversion mode for the requested preset
videoFrameRateOptionsarray[string[]]{"string", "string"},{"string", "string"}Returns the list of video frame rate options for the requested preset
parNumeratorinteger($int32)0Returns the numerator for custom pixel aspect ratio
parDenominatorinteger($int32)0Returns the denominator for custom pixel aspect ratio
videoPixelRatioOptionsarray[string[]]{"string", "string"},{"string", "string"}Returns the list of video pixel ratio options for the requested preset
gopSizeinteger($int32)0Returns the GOP size for the requested preset
gopSizeUnitinteger($int32)0Returns the GOP unit size for the requested preset
gopSizeUnitOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for GOP size unit
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the GOP size unit option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the GOP size unit option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the GOP size unit option is enabled
numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFramesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of b-frames between reference frames for the requested preset
gopClosedCadenceinteger($int32)0Returns GOP closed cadence for the requested preset
numberReferenceFramesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of reference frames for the requested preset
dynamicSubGopstring"string"Returns the dynamic Sub GOP for the requested preset
repeatPpsstring"string"Returns the peer-to-peer streaming for the requested preset
gopBReferencestring"string"Returns the GOP B-Reference for the requested preset
sceneChangeDetectionstring"string"Returns the scene change detection for the requested preset
minIntervalinteger($int32)0Returns the minimum interval for the requested preset
codecProfileinteger($int32)0Returns the selected codec profile for the requested preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec profile options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec profilet option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec profile option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec profile option is enabled
codecLevelstring"string"Returns the selected codec level for the requested preset
codecLevelOptionsarray[string]{"string", "string"}Returns the list of codec level options for the requested preset
colorMetadatainteger($int32)0Returns the selected color metadata for the updated preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for color metadata options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the color metadata option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the color metadata option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the color metadata option is enabled
slicesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of video slices of the requested preset
entropyEncodingstring"string"Returns the entropy encoding for the requested preset
adaptiveQuantizationstring"string"Returns the adaptive quantization for the requested preset
deinterlaceboolfalseReturns whether the deinterlace is enabled for the requested preset
timecodeInsertionboolfalseReturns whether the timecode insertion is enabled for the requested preset
sharpnessstring"string"Returns the video sharpness for the requested preset
presetOptioninteger($int32)0Returns the selected preset for the requested preset
presetOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for preset options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the preset option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the preset option is enabled
fragmentationTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected fragmentation type for the requested preset
fragmentationTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for fragmentation type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the fragmentation type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the fragmentation type option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the fragmentation type option is enabled
audioDescriptionobjectReturns the audio description for the requested preset
audioTypeControlstring"string"Returns the audio type control for the requested preset
codecTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected audio codec type for the requested preset
codecTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for audio codec type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the audio codec type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the audio codec type option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the audio codec type option is enabled
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixinteger($int32)0Returns the selected audio description broadcaster mix for the requested preset
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for audio description broadcaster mix options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the audio description broadcaster mix option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the audio description broadcaster mix option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the audio description broadcaster mix option is enabled
bitratelong0Returns the audio bitrate for the updated preset
audioSampleBitrateOptionsDictionary<string, string[]>{"string", {"string", "string"}}Returns the audio sample bitrate properties for the requested preset
rateControlModeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected rate control mode for the requested preset
rateControlModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for rate control mode options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the rate control mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the rate control mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the rate control mode option is enabled
codecProfileinteger($int32)0Returns the selected codec profile for the requested preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec profile options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec profile option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec profile option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec profile option is enabled
codingModeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected coding mode for the requested preset
codingModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for coding mode options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the coding mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the coding mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the coding mode option is enabled
rawFormatinteger($int32)0Returns the selected raw format for the requested preset
rawFormatOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for the raw format options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the raw format option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the raw format option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the raw format option is enabled
sampleRatelong0Returns the audio sample rate for the requested preset
sampleRatelong0Returns the audio sample rate for the requested preset
specificationinteger($int32)0Returns the selected specification for the requested preset
specificationOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for the specification options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the specification option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the specification option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the specification option is enabled
languageCodeControlstring"string"Returns the language code control for the requested preset
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

DELETE Preset#

Delete a preset.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/presets/{id}
Parametersversion, projectId, id
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($uuid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
{id}Yesinteger($int32)0Shows the id of the preset

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
ProjectIdYesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
VersionYesinteger($int32)v1Shows the version of API
IdYesinteger($int32)0Shows the id of the preset

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

{    "message" : "string"}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
messagestringstringReturn the message in regard to deletion of the preset


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found

POST Preset#

Duplicate a preset.

URL or EndPoint/api/v{version}/projects/{projectId}/presets/{id}/duplicate
Parametersversion, projectId, id
BodyNot Applicable

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
{version}Yesstringv1Shows the version of API
{projectId}Yesstring($uuid)3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
{id}Yesinteger($int32)0Shows the id of the preset

The description of the parameters is as follows:

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
ProjectIdYesGuid3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6Shows the id of the project
VersionYesinteger($int32)v1Shows the version of API
IdYesinteger($int32)0Shows the id of the preset

Request Body#

The request does not have a request body.


If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in json format by the service.

"success": true,  "errors": [    "string"  ],  "messages": [    "string"  ],  "result": {   "id": 0,  "insertDate": "2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z",  "updateDate": "2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z",  "insertedBy": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "updatedBy": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "projectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  "presetType": 0,  "presetTypeOptions": [    {      "id": 0,      "value": "string",      "enabled": true    }  ],  "name": "string",  "description": "string",  "category": "string",  "container": {    "type": 0,    "containerOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ]  },  "videoDescription": {    "name": "string",    "codecType": 0,    "codecTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "width": 0,    "height": 0,    "rateControlMode": 0,    "rateControlModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "qualityTuningLevel": 0,    "qualityTuningLevelOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "bitrate": 0,    "maxBitrate": 0,    "framerateControl": "string",    "framerateDenominator": 0,    "framerateNumerator": 0,    "framerateConversionAlgorithm": "string",    "interlaceMode": "string",    "fieldEncoding": "string",    "scanTypeConversionMode": "string",    "videoFrameRateOptions": [      [        "string"      ]    ],    "parNumerator": 0,    "parDenominator": 0,    "videoPixelRatioOptions": [      [        "string"      ]    ],    "gopSize": 0,    "gopSizeUnit": 0,    "gopSizeUnitOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFrames": 0,    "gopClosedCadence": 0,    "numberReferenceFrames": 0,    "dynamicSubGop": "string",    "repeatPps": "string",    "gopBReference": "string",    "sceneChangeDetection": "string",    "minInterval": 0,    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecProfileOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codecLevel": "string",    "codecLevelOptions": [      "string"    ],    "colorMetadata": 0,    "colorMetadataOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "slices": 0,    "entropyEncoding": "string",    "adaptiveQuantization": "string",    "deinterlace": true,    "timecodeInsertion": true,    "sharpness": "string",    "presetOption": 0,    "presetOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "fragmentationType": 0,    "fragmentationTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ]  },  "audioDescription": {    "audioTypeControl": "string",    "codecType": 0,    "codecTypeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMix": 0,    "audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "bitrate": 0,    "audioSampleBitrateOptions": {      "additionalProp1": [        "string"      ],      "additionalProp2": [        "string"      ],      "additionalProp3": [        "string"      ]    },    "rateControlMode": 0,    "rateControlModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codecProfile": 0,    "codecProfileOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "codingMode": 0,    "codingModeOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "rawFormat": 0,    "rawFormatOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "sampleRate": 0,    "specification": 0,    "specificationOptions": [      {        "id": 0,        "value": "string",        "enabled": true      }    ],    "languageCodeControl": "string"  }  },  "resultInfo": {    "totalCount": 0,    "pageIndex": 0,    "pageSize": 0,    "totalPages": 0,    "hasNextPage": true,    "hasPreviousPage": true  }}
Field NameTypeExampleDescription
successbooltrueIf response is success will return true otherwise will return false
errorsarray []"string"Indicate if there was an error
messagesarray []"string"Returns the response message from back-end
resultobjectReturns the duplicated preset
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the duplicated preset
insertDateDateTime"2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z"Returns the insertion date of the duplicated preset
updateDateDateTime"2022-04-17T12:43:21.411Z"Returns the latest updated date of the duplicated preset
insertedBystring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the identifier of the person who inserted the preset
updatedBystring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the identifier of the person who updated the preset
projectIdstring($Guid)"3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"Returns the project id of the requested preset
presetTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset type of the duplicated preset
presetTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for preset types
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected preset type
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the selected preset type
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the selected preset type is enabled
namestring"string"Returns the name of the duplicated preset
descriptionstring"string"Returns the description of the duplicated preset
categorystring"string"Returns the category of the duplicated preset
containerobjectReturns the container properties of the duplicated preset
typeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected container id of the duplicated preset
containerOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options of containers
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected container
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the selected container
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the selected container is enabled
videoDescriptionobjectReturns the video description for the duplicated preset
namestring"string"Returns the name for the duplicated preset
codecTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the video codec type for the duplicated preset
codecTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec types
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec option is enabled
widthinteger($int32)0Returns the video width
heightinteger($int32)0Returns the video height
rateControlModeinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected video rate control mode for the duplicated preset
rateControlModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for rate control mode
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the rate control mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the rate control mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the rate control mode option is enabled
qualityTuningLevelinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the selected quality tuning level for the duplicated preset
qualityTuningLevelOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for quality tuning level
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the quality tuning level option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the quality tuning level option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the quality tuning level option is enabled
bitrateinteger($int32)0Returns the bitrate for the duplicated preset
maxBitrateinteger($int32)0Returns the maximum bitrate for the duplicated preset
framerateControlstring"string"Returns the framerate control for the duplicated preset
framerateDenominatorinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate denominator for custom framerate
framerateNumeratorinteger($int32)0Returns the framerate numerator for custom framerate
framerateConversionAlgorithmstring"string"Returns the framerate conversion algorithmn for the duplicated preset
interlaceModestring"string"Returns the interlaces mode for the duplicated preset
fieldEncodingstring"string"Returns the field encoding for the duplicated preset
scanTypeConversionModestring"string"Returns the scan type conversion mode for the duplicated preset
videoFrameRateOptionsarray[string[]]{"string", "string"},{"string", "string"}Returns the list of video frame rate options for the duplicated preset
parNumeratorinteger($int32)0Returns the numerator for custom pixel aspect ratio
parDenominatorinteger($int32)0Returns the denominator for custom pixel aspect ratio
videoPixelRatioOptionsarray[string[]]{"string", "string"},{"string", "string"}Returns the list of video pixel ratio options for the duplicated preset
gopSizeinteger($int32)0Returns the GOP size for the duplicated preset
gopSizeUnitinteger($int32)0Returns the GOP unit size for the duplicated preset
gopSizeUnitOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for GOP size unit
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the GOP size unit option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the GOP size unit option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the GOP size unit option is enabled
numberBFramesBetweenReferenceFramesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of b-frames between reference frames for the duplicated preset
gopClosedCadenceinteger($int32)0Returns GOP closed cadence for the duplicated preset
numberReferenceFramesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of reference frames for the duplicated preset
dynamicSubGopstring"string"Returns the dynamic Sub GOP for the duplicated preset
repeatPpsstring"string"Returns the peer-to-peer streaming for the duplicated preset
gopBReferencestring"string"Returns the GOP B-Reference for the duplicated preset
sceneChangeDetectionstring"string"Returns the scene change detection for the duplicated preset
minIntervalinteger($int32)0Returns the minimum interval for the duplicated preset
codecProfileinteger($int32)0Returns the selected codec profile for the duplicated preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec profile options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec profilet option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec profile option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec profile option is enabled
codecLevelstring"string"Returns the selected codec level for the duplicated preset
codecLevelOptionsarray[string]{"string", "string"}Returns the list of codec level options for the duplicated preset
colorMetadatainteger($int32)0Returns the selected color metadata for the updated preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for color metadata options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the color metadata option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the color metadata option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the color metadata option is enabled
slicesinteger($int32)0Returns the number of video slices of the duplicated preset
entropyEncodingstring"string"Returns the entropy encoding for the duplicated preset
adaptiveQuantizationstring"string"Returns the adaptive quantization for the duplicated preset
deinterlaceboolfalseReturns whether the deinterlace is enabled for the duplicated preset
timecodeInsertionboolfalseReturns whether the timecode insertion is enabled for the duplicated preset
sharpnessstring"string"Returns the video sharpness for the duplicated preset
presetOptioninteger($int32)0Returns the selected preset for the duplicated preset
presetOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for preset options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the preset option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the preset option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the preset option is enabled
fragmentationTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected fragmentation type for the duplicated preset
fragmentationTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for fragmentation type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the fragmentation type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the fragmentation type option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the fragmentation type option is enabled
audioDescriptionobjectReturns the audio description for the duplicated preset
audioTypeControlstring"string"Returns the audio type control for the duplicated preset
codecTypeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected audio codec type for the duplicated preset
codecTypeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for audio codec type options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the audio codec type option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the audio codec type option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the audio codec type option is enabled
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixinteger($int32)0Returns the selected audio description broadcaster mix for the duplicated preset
audioDescriptionBroadcasterMixOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for audio description broadcaster mix options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the audio description broadcaster mix option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the audio description broadcaster mix option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the audio description broadcaster mix option is enabled
bitratelong0Returns the audio bitrate for the duplicated preset
audioSampleBitrateOptionsDictionary<string, string[]>{"string", {"string", "string"}}Returns the audio sample bitrate properties for the duplicated preset
rateControlModeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected rate control mode for the duplicated preset
rateControlModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for rate control mode options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the rate control mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the rate control mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the rate control mode option is enabled
codecProfileinteger($int32)0Returns the selected codec profile for the duplicated preset
codecProfileOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for codec profile options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the codec profile option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the codec profile option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the codec profile option is enabled
codingModeinteger($int32)0Returns the selected coding mode for the duplicated preset
codingModeOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for coding mode options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the coding mode option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the coding mode option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the coding mode option is enabled
rawFormatinteger($int32)0Returns the selected raw format for the duplicated preset
rawFormatOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for the raw format options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the raw format option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the raw format option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the raw format option is enabled
sampleRatelong0Returns the audio sample rate for the duplicated preset
sampleRatelong0Returns the audio sample rate for the duplicated preset
specificationinteger($int32)0Returns the selected specification for the duplicated preset
specificationOptionsarray[object]Returns the list of options for the specification options
idinteger($int32)0Returns the id of the specification option
valuestring"string"Returns the value of the specification option
enabledboolfalseReturns whether the specification option is enabled
languageCodeControlstring"string"Returns the language code control for the duplicated preset
resultInfoobjectReturns an object of behavior
totalCountinteger($int32)0How many records of behavior entity are in database
pageIndexinteger($int32)0Returns the page index, from which page you want to see the requested data
pageSizeinteger($int32)0Returns how many pages you want to list from page index you selected
totalPagesinteger($int32)0Returns the total number of pages
hasNextPagebooltrueReturns the next page of paginated data
hasPreviousPagebooltrueReturns the previous page of paginated data


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors:

  • HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP Status Code: 404 Not found